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by GlassG19
Fri Feb 05, 2016 9:33 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: waiting room
Replies: 12
Views: 2318

Re: waiting room

zimmerdesignz wrote:
GlassG19 wrote:Well, here I am still in the waiting room. My timelines are well known already so I won't post them again.
In one of my previous post I said I spoke to real nice gentleman at (RSD) a week ago this past Monday & he said my app hasn't been entered yet but everything looks good to call back late the following week which would be today. So I called today & after a few minutes waiting for my turn a REALLY NICE gentleman (Daniel) took my call like a professional & should be, (as I was too) he looked into my supporting doc's & followed up with "I apologize it's been taken 6-7-8 weeks to even enter the apps due to all the new laws that have taken place starting on Jan 1, & the amount of APPLICATES applying" & then said he was going to let his supervisor know (send supvsr email) about mine & asked me if I would like to be contacted for a follow up call to let me know when I should be expecting LTC & I said sure,, he said his supervisor would be calling me either Monday or Tuesday to let me know when I should be expecting my LTC.

I truly believe this gentleman, you could tell he was concerned & took his job serious (top pro) I forgot to mention,, I told him in the beginning that I knew someone that applied AFTER I did & he already received his LTC & that I applied well before him back in early to mid December.

So, just don't sit & not call like I WAS going to do, it is very clear that some just get overlooked & the process don't even get started. But with professionals help like Daniel I know it will come a little sooner than if I'd not called.
Hope this helps.. Will keep posted. :tiphat:
Mine is only a few days after yours and the same guy was upset with me calling last Friday. I fear they will shuffle me to the back of the line.

WOW! I wouldn't think they would do that unless you got ugly with them??
by GlassG19
Fri Feb 05, 2016 8:47 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: waiting room
Replies: 12
Views: 2318

Re: waiting room

Well, here I am still in the waiting room. My timelines are well known already so I won't post them again.
In one of my previous post I said I spoke to real nice gentleman at (RSD) a week ago this past Monday & he said my app hasn't been entered yet but everything looks good to call back late the following week which would be today. So I called today & after a few minutes waiting for my turn a REALLY NICE gentleman (Daniel) took my call like a professional & should be, (as I was too) he looked into my supporting doc's & followed up with "I apologize it's been taken 6-7-8 weeks to even enter the apps due to all the new laws that have taken place starting on Jan 1, & the amount of APPLICATES applying" & then said he was going to let his supervisor know (send supvsr email) about mine & asked me if I would like to be contacted for a follow up call to let me know when I should be expecting LTC & I said sure,, he said his supervisor would be calling me either Monday or Tuesday to let me know when I should be expecting my LTC.

I truly believe this gentleman, you could tell he was concerned & took his job serious (top pro) I forgot to mention,, I told him in the beginning that I knew someone that applied AFTER I did & he already received his LTC & that I applied well before him back in early to mid December.

So, just don't sit & not call like I WAS going to do, it is very clear that some just get overlooked & the process don't even get started. But with professionals help like Daniel I know it will come a little sooner than if I'd not called.
Hope this helps.. Will keep posted. :tiphat:
by GlassG19
Thu Jan 28, 2016 3:02 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: waiting room
Replies: 12
Views: 2318

Re: waiting room

Kenneth77 wrote:I really don't get why it takes longer than about 30 mins per check , with all the tech in today's world it seems like they just want to screw with us . What is the difference between the LTC check and just when you buy a gun ? I am now waiting as just did my finger prints this morning .

Big difference, a lot more detailed, state check, national check, health records etc.. I'm sure someone else can elaborate more.
by GlassG19
Wed Jan 27, 2016 6:55 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: waiting room
Replies: 12
Views: 2318

Re: waiting room

Mavs00 wrote:
GlassG19 wrote:
Mavs00 wrote:Yes, that recording us all to familiar to just about everyone on here. I had to call them last week, to make sure all my stuff got in (I had not received an email confirmation), and tried most of one afternoon. Called early the next morning (about 7:30 AM) and got right through. It's about call volume I think. Once they have x amount of people on hold, it seems to go right to that message.

FWIW and judging by the chatter on here, It seems like they the are currently processing the "end of December" right now, so it's probably not gonna be much longer that you'll hear (either with the card, or if you need other documentation).

Good luck. :tiphat:

Unless you know something we don't know but not sure where you seen chatter making you believe they're (RSD, DPS) in the end of December applications. I have been chatting with several others who are right around the same timeline & we're at the beginning & middle of December,& have actually spoke to RSD who confirmed they're still in early part of December. Not to dampen your spirits but just what RSD said & our timeline's.

Keep Shootin....
Might not be accurate, but.......


Yes sir, Cmac said they said that but if you look at the many others ( I think they told him the similar bolgne they told me but instead of the beginning of the month they told him end of the month). If you look at many other posts, the ones who did there's at end of November & beginning of December are just now receiving there's.. All I'm going by the majority of the ones.
by GlassG19
Tue Jan 26, 2016 7:30 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: waiting room
Replies: 12
Views: 2318

Re: waiting room

Mavs00 wrote:Yes, that recording us all to familiar to just about everyone on here. I had to call them last week, to make sure all my stuff got in (I had not received an email confirmation), and tried most of one afternoon. Called early the next morning (about 7:30 AM) and got right through. It's about call volume I think. Once they have x amount of people on hold, it seems to go right to that message.

FWIW and judging by the chatter on here, It seems like they the are currently processing the "end of December" right now, so it's probably not gonna be much longer that you'll hear (either with the card, or if you need other documentation).

Good luck. :tiphat:

Unless you know something we don't know but not sure where you seen chatter making you believe they're (RSD, DPS) in the end of December applications. I have been chatting with several others who are right around the same timeline & we're at the beginning & middle of December,& have actually spoke to RSD who confirmed they're still in early part of December. Not to dampen your spirits but just what RSD said & our timeline's.

Keep Shootin....

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