thought yall might enjoy this. It's video of the demonstration and Quanel getting punked.
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- Tue Dec 04, 2007 10:08 am
- Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
- Topic: Louis Farrakhan writes about Joe Horn
- Replies: 175
- Views: 27131
- Tue Dec 04, 2007 10:05 am
- Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
- Topic: Louis Farrakhan writes about Joe Horn
- Replies: 175
- Views: 27131
anyone see a youtube-like video on KHOU this morning talking about joe horn? I got about a dozen text messages when i got up asking if i was on the news talking about joe horn so I'm wondering if they nabbed my youtube video.
i'm sure the media edited it to make me look like an idiot. (I do a fine job of that on my own, no help needed)
anyone catch the news this morning and can verify yes or no?
i'm sure the media edited it to make me look like an idiot. (I do a fine job of that on my own, no help needed)
anyone catch the news this morning and can verify yes or no?
- Sat Dec 01, 2007 11:21 am
- Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
- Topic: Louis Farrakhan writes about Joe Horn
- Replies: 175
- Views: 27131
the domain name is registered to him with his phone number and address. I've you'd like to call and verify I'd be happy to give you the phone number listed on the registration. just send me a pm. I'm sure he'll verify it for you.
His registration information is public, but I'd rather not post his address and phone number openly.
His registration information is public, but I'd rather not post his address and phone number openly.
- Fri Nov 30, 2007 9:39 am
- Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
- Topic: Louis Farrakhan writes about Joe Horn
- Replies: 175
- Views: 27131
Donation sent (thank you very much for posting that).
Please let me know if something comes together for sunday. I'll be there with bells on.
I just sent out the following email to just about everyone on my personal distribution list. (always BCC so you dont give away everyone's email addy). Feel free to copy/paste and send out as you like.
Please let me know if something comes together for sunday. I'll be there with bells on.
I just sent out the following email to just about everyone on my personal distribution list. (always BCC so you dont give away everyone's email addy). Feel free to copy/paste and send out as you like.
Everyone on this email list knows me well enough to know I don't send out mass mailings unless it's something that should really be paid attention to.
You probably remember seeing this on the news. Here's a reminder of what this proud American did in defense of a neighbor.
Tit has come to tat and Mr. Horn is now in legal trouble brought on by media pressuring police to act on the case. The website below allows you to donate directly to Joe's family friend and lawyer to help out his cause. Don't let this man take one for the team because he was defending his neighborhood. $5-10 from everyone on this list can make a huge difference. Mr. Horn is on a fixed income and of very limited means so this situation is taxing his family a great deal. For those of you that think he was in the wrong, don't sweat it. I already made a donation in your name :)Elderly man fatally shoots 2 reported burglars targeting neighbor's home
03:39 PM CST on Wednesday, November 14, 2007
By Juanita Jimenez /KHOU 11 News
Two reported thieves in Pasadena are dead after a neighbor, in his 70s, took matters into his own hands.
The ordeal occurred Wednesday afternoon at 7814 Timberline.
Pasadena Police say it began when an elderly neighbor heard glass breaking at the home next door, so he headed out to investigate.
It was then, police say, that the individual saw two men climbing out the rear window of his neighbor's home.
The pair was reportedly carrying items from the home.
The neighbor reportedly told the pair to drop the items and then, police say, he shot both men when they didn’t comply.
Feel free to pass this email on to others.