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by WTR
Fri Jun 01, 2018 12:53 pm
Forum: Self-Defense Reports
Topic: TX: San Antonio Road Rage Incident
Replies: 31
Views: 10822

Re: TX: San Antonio Road Rage Incident

warnmar10 wrote: Fri Jun 01, 2018 12:44 pm [quote=ElGallo post_id=<a href="tel:1205171">1205171</a> time=<a href="tel:1527864863">1527864863</a> user_id=23166]
This is my theory.

Offduty officer pulled into parking lot and was followed by civilian. I'm assuming he thought this place would have cameras or he was indeed going for some eye candy. Officer decided to talk to civilian and maybe smooth things over, explain how his actions are not appropriate, i.e. deescalate the situation but also prevent civilian from doing this to others in the future.

Officer gets out of vehicle, walks around the front of his car, civilian gets out of his car and immediately shoots at the officer. Maybe he felt threatened and that's why he shot. The officer goes back to his car to retrieve his weapon, civilian is getting into his car, officer shoots the civilian through the passenger side window of his car, hits the civilian (maybe in the back hence why there are reports he might be paralyzed) and graces the civilian's passenger.

I hope there is a follow up to this.
That sounds more like a revenge shoot than a defensive shoot.

Sounds like a fantasy. I think I'll wait for more info.

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