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by gigag04
Mon May 09, 2005 2:48 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Carry method?
Replies: 64
Views: 8834

Suckhow wrote:Since I got my CHL, i think im gonna carry my Kimber Ultra CDP II in a Galco IWB in the small of my back, cocked and locked, my Sip P229 OWB at 11 o Clock, my Wilson in a strong side shoulder harness cross draw, cocked and locked. My Colt OWB on my right hip OWB, my new Sig p232 on my right ankle, my Kimber Pro Carry, mexican under my belly - isreali style, and maybe i'll get a Seecamp to keep in my pocket as a backup gun.

Probably wear a bandolier to hold 3 mags for each weapon as well, alternating Tracers, Hollowpoints, and incendiary cartridges in each mag.

Still trying to figure out how to carry my HK's
this is hilarious.

and what would you go for first?

You remind me of the front lobby scene of the matrix.

Things to add:

an 18" pistol grip double barrell 12 ga, open carry (of course),

and a tazer.

HKs should go in a "daytimer" that you carry with you. This combined with the rest of you will make for a fun DPS stop ;)

by gigag04
Mon May 09, 2005 1:14 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Carry method?
Replies: 64
Views: 8834

MoJo wrote:Carrying the USP cocked and locked is perfectly acceptable. The KISS theory dictates carrying it decocked and unlocked. Less stuff to do in a stress situation.
Decocked w safety off - is this acceptable for daily carry? I keep safety on, but if its unneccessary and potentially worse, i'll drop it off, and just leave hammer down. Squeze --> bang.
by gigag04
Mon May 09, 2005 3:23 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Carry method?
Replies: 64
Views: 8834

Would it be unwise to carry my USPC cocked and locked? it has a thumb safety/decocker, and it will work DA for first shot, or I can pack with hammer back, ready to go with a nice quick SA pull. I like the 2 safety idea of the 1911 model .45s, but with the HK only having the thumb safety, would Cond. 1 be foolish and unsafe?


by gigag04
Sun May 08, 2005 1:50 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Carry method?
Replies: 64
Views: 8834

Carry method?

How do you usually carry?

Cocked and Locked?

Round chambered, hammer down, DA?

Chamber empty, have to rack slide to be good to go?

just curious.

I carry my USP Compact with a round chambered and the hammer down. I can carry cocked and locked, but dont usually, unless its bad place or something.

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