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by gigag04
Tue May 25, 2010 1:54 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Remember Your Wallet
Replies: 13
Views: 1720

Re: Remember Your Wallet

Here's my perspective:

I would be impressed if someone had the foresight to have a laminated copy of DL and CHL with their insurance "just in case." As long as you aren't relying on this as your primary method of ID'ing yourself - then I think the officer would appreciate someone being responsible. Everyone forgets things. If you forget your wallet but had the backup just to offer to the officer it can help him see at least you have a license. They will figure out who you are anyway when they run you by name/DOB. It will return with your license and license status (suspended, expired, valid etc).

You COULD get a ticket for fail to display DL...but I would say it is unlikely. And it's not a moving violation - you have a good chance of getting it dropped for $10 if you show the judge your DL and explain yourself.

Also - this isn't legal advice...but if I was in the shoes of someone who forgot their wallet with CHL/DL etc, I would tell the officer as soon as he asked for my DL. Something to the effect of "officer I just realized that I do not have my wallet with me - I usually keep it in my back pocket. I do need to inform you that I am a CHL holder and am carrying. I understand that I am supposed to keep my ID with me at all times....etc whatever. I always think it's weird when people apologize to me...but I understand. I've never gotten used to it though. It does show remorse and intent to fix whatever issue for the future.

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