Were you given a speedy and fair trial? Were allowed to confront your accusers? Were you held with reasonable bail?03Lightningrocks wrote:Yep...as a matter of fact I was. I understand that you are just a bit predisposed in your view points so I will ignore the hyperbole indictment.
Everybody is predisposed to their own viewpoint...hence the fact that it is THEIRS. And by saying in a public forum that you will ignore something, you are not ingnoring it...I can glean from your writing that you dislike/distrust the police. This is well within your rights. I also read much of what you say to condemn many of their lawful actions. If I am misinterpreting something please advise...I'd rather not be at odds with you, but some of the opinions you offer make it difficult at best to not disagree. I take issue when you comment on things which I feel you don't know. You accuse the unknown officer of making this arrest solely to advance his career. A UCW arrest does not make you a big-time officer....this line of reasoning is simply taking potshots at someone that knows more of the story than you do, and is not here to defend themselves.
The less informed may read your comments regarding police and actually believe them...thus making my job all the more difficult. I will defend your right to post your opinion, but please allow others to challenge it with factual information.
Due to the nature of this obviously heated topic, this thread or whole topic may be deleted/locked, but I feel like it is a good discussion to have. I think there are many myths and misunderstandings between LEOs and average citizens. The more dialogue we can have and gain a better understanding of where each other come from, the better IMO.