I guess that brings up another question, more for myself than her. I think I would rather purchase the .45 ACP if given the option, as I am only getting 1-2 less capacity. I just wonder if I am placed in the situation to fire, do I want more power or added capacity in the event the bad guy does not drop?jrs_diesel wrote:There will be a tradeoff moving from an XD9sc to an XDs9.
The XDs 9 will be slimmer, but have half the capacity since it's a single stack. It's either 7+1 or 8+1 with the mid-mag extension. The XDs is also slightly shorter too.
Don't know where in Houston you are, but The Arms Room down in League City/Dickinson area has an XDs 9 for rent.
I heard good things about the Arms Room and want to check it out, I need to head down to Galveston for some sushi as I am back in Texas and haven't been in that area for years.