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by Hoppes
Thu Aug 09, 2007 9:44 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: Fingerprint Rejection...Why and How?
Replies: 27
Views: 3406

Government Pay For Something?

seamusTX wrote:Let me try to allay your fears.

The federal government must pay for whatever it does.
- Jim
Then what in the world are they doing with our dollars???? :razz:

I couldn't resist that Jim :grin:
by Hoppes
Mon Jul 30, 2007 10:11 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: Fingerprint Rejection...Why and How?
Replies: 27
Views: 3406

Re: Finger Prints

dawg wrote:I was told by my instructor that when the DPS gets behind processing applications (which is often) they will look for the slightest imperfection on the print cards and send the applicaiton back to the applicant.
Don't believe everything your instructor says without investigating things for yourself. It's not a good practice and instructors are human.

I've taken a lot of classes, courses, and seminars in my life and to be honest, I've found a large percentage of things I just couldn't drag my self to believe as fact.

H ;-) PPES
by Hoppes
Mon Jul 30, 2007 10:05 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: Fingerprint Rejection...Why and How?
Replies: 27
Views: 3406

Re: Finger Prints

txinvestigator wrote:
dawg wrote:I was told by my instructor that when the DPS gets behind processing applications (which is often) they will look for the slightest imperfection on the print cards and send the applicaiton back to the applicant.
That is not true at all. DPS prints and run via computer. The computer rejects them.
Most agencies now make use of technology in many business processes. Although it is not often on the par with private corporations because of limited funds for the better systems.

The big problem with agency systems is that agencies frequently build their processes around technology instead of technology around business requirements. Bureaucracy breeds bureaucracy. This is what creates all these delays for the most part.

I doubt computers start rejecting more fingerprint cards when things are behind. That would not be logical.

H :cool: PPES
by Hoppes
Sat Jul 28, 2007 8:33 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: Fingerprint Rejection...Why and How?
Replies: 27
Views: 3406

Let's Keep Firearms Databases From Politicians

badkarma56 wrote:
seamusTX wrote:
badkarma56 wrote:... I've personally been fingerprinted at least five times in my life ... including this most recent set for the CHL application. Surely, there's got to already be a "classifiable" set of my prints previously stored in some government database with either the Feds or Texas or both!!
Personally, I don't want that kind of cross-referencing to take place. It has potential for abuse.

- Jim

I totally hear you, loud and clear dude! I'm by no means a fan of big brother; however, I wouldn't mind "them" doing a little "data mining" for the limited purpose of classifying fingerprints and thus expediting CHL permit issuance for law-abiding Americans.

Sadly, the cynic in me believes that they've already "cross-referenced" nearly every American's private information for other debatable purposes (e.g., the provisions of the Patriot Act, NSA-managed domestic surveillance programs, etc.). I believe it's simply the case that our current government wants to and likely already has cataloged many citizen's personal information in furtherance of a sub rosa "security" agenda, while simultaneously the same government hacks publicly pretend to be "back-logged" and incapable of quickly processing licenses, passports, etc. Have you tried to renew your passport recently? Let me assure you that the passport renewal process is completely out of control! I've been waiting three months already for that issue to get squared-away...

Perhaps I'm just too mean and critical of bureaucrats, or maybe I'm listening to far too much Coast to Coast A.M. with George Noory and Art Bell! ;-)

I suppose you knew that the Tiahrt (There is that hard to spell name again) Amendment passed right? That at least keeps some information out of the hands of politicians and gun control folks. Below is a link to the story if you have not read it. ... px?ID=9746

by Hoppes
Wed Jul 18, 2007 9:23 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: Fingerprint Rejection...Why and How?
Replies: 27
Views: 3406

Some Last Names Are Just Weird to Spell Anyway

seamusTX wrote:Sorry about the misspelling. It's not exactly as easy to remember as Smith.

- Jim
Well, that is a strange name to spell anyway. The other day on the Quinn and Rose Show (Satellite), Quinn and Rose were complaining about the spelling of Tiahrt and Schoenke, which is also a hard one to spell if you haven't ever heard of either guy. No need to apologize to me Seamus. It is not a common name to spell. :smile:

They were tying the Tiahrt Amendment story to the American Hunters and Shooters Association and Ray Schoenke, the President of that organziation. Schoenke has noted connections to many gun control groups. Quinn was complaining about the deceptive name of the organization. It sounds like it is a pro hunting and shooting organization, when in reality, it is a front for a gun control organization funded by many of the same folks funding the Brady Campaign. The Brady Campaign agenda is to get further control of handguns and rifles.

by Hoppes
Wed Jul 18, 2007 3:43 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: Fingerprint Rejection...Why and How?
Replies: 27
Views: 3406

Tiahrt Bill

seamusTX wrote:There are constant battles in Congress about this kind of data-mining. The NRA is currently fighting to keep something called the Tiahart amendment, which prevents public access to firearms sales data collected by the BATFE.

- Jim
That would be Todd Tiarht.

Below is the URL for the Mayors Against Illegal Guns web site. These mayors want to data-mine BATFE records and use the data to support the filing of law suits against gun manufacturers. This is why the NRA -ILA is fighting this amendment. For several years, Tiarht has tied his amendment to appropriations bills and Mayor Bloomberg and other mayors are spitting mad at him. The Mayor's web site lists the key things done by the Tiarht Amendment: ... ahrt.shtml

Below is Kansas Representative Todd Tiahrt's web site URL:

The entire amendment might be listed or linked on the web site for you to read. I have not verified. Below are a couple of starting URLs you can browse if you want to know more abotu the Tiahrt Amendment:


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