Lynyrd - sorry if it came across that I was calling you out with the golden rule comment - that was more directed at some of the comments that were nasty/judgemental in nature.Lynyrd wrote:I didn't say anything that wasn't complete truth. If the OP is genuine, I fell for him ans wish him well. I did not attack him, and at that time he still had only one post. I did not cast a stone, I simply pointed out the truth that we sometimes have trolls.Pariah3j wrote:Dwhale - Welcome to the forums. Ignore some of the crusty [language unsafe for forum use] users. We are not all a bad lot.
Just so you know, your final disposition is the information on the case, your charges/sentence, etc. When you reapply as part of the process you will have to answer if you have ever been arrested and give a record of the case. You should be able to get this from the courthouse you were arraigned in I believe, if I'm wrong someone can correct me.
While I don't doubt this to be true, anything you say can and will be used out of context if it suits the needs of those of the liberal persuasion, all you can do is be honest. They will be dishonest no matter what you do. If you are that worried about it, don't post on a public forum. This isn't meant as an attack, just pointing out my thoughts on case.Lynyrd wrote: We all know that the anti gun groups troll this forum. If they can pose a question and get responses that can be quoted out of context, or responses that are ill advised, they will use those. Heck my first month on this forum I was quoted in a liberal rag site and my words were taken completely out of context.
Be careful folks. Don't give them any dirt.
Golden rule gentlemen, I believe we are most likely all God-fearing men so try to keep it mind. Let he who has not sinned cast the first stone.
Your comments weren't an attack, just a warning and I understood that. I was merely pointing out that those who would lie or take your words out of context will do that no matter what.