So you know and trust that a government can't become tyrannical? Does it never abuse powers such as targeting conservative groups with the IRS?theHunter wrote:Several people advocating for someone who commits a crime to not serve their punishment, to me, that means that you are ok with that crime if you don't want them to be punished.
Please quote where someone advocated to not have crimes punished? The debate/discussion here is at what point has the State stepped beyond the scope of its power?
I am personally surprised at the number of people ok with the government being able to permanently strip you of a God-given right. That's not to say they shouldn't have the ability to suspend or suppress a right for a limited amount of time for severe enough crimes. I mean, while we're at it, lets strip felon's right to freedom of speech/first amendment rights. Do they need 4th and 5th amendment, nah they're felons, they don't deserve those either. Why not brand them or tattoo them with a bar code and make them second-class citizens? Am I being ridiculous, yes - but its to prove a point. At what point does this slippery slope end?