I tested the 2 3/4” Federal Power shock 8 pellet 00 low recoil 1140 FPS , 2 3/4” Remington low recoil 9 pellet 00 1200 FPS , and 2 3/4” Winchester 9 pellet 00 1325 FPS.puma guy wrote:Pretty much my experience. Total blast, though I did not shoot any 3" mag rounds. What Buck Shot did you use to pattern and what ranges. I used OO Buck Spartan and Federal Flite control LE #1 Buck from 3, 7 and 16-2/3 yards. I posted some of the targets. The #1 stayed pretty tigh;t the 00 spread a little more.cmgee67 wrote:Took my New Mossberg 590 shockwave 12 gage to range today and it’s about as much fun as you can have with your clothes on.
I’m incredibly glad I bought it when gun buyer had it at 299$. It’s an absolute “blast” (pun intended) to shoot. I patterned a few buckshot loads out of it to see which patterned the best and it liked. I also shot some bird shot as well as some 3” magnum steel shot loads. The gun can be a handful if your not careful. It is a lot easier to shoot than I expected but I grew up on shotguns. The only
Upgrade I lack is a light and I’ll be done with it. I’ve already got the light I just need the mount and rail section. If you don’t have one of these you need one!
The Remington kicked more than any of them and was like a mule was in front of my face. The federal was pleasant and controllable, and so was the Winchester. I shot each from 5, 10, 15, and 20 yards. They all really grouped about the same but the federal and Remington grouped the tightest and out of those two the federal was a tad better. I didn’t notice any real difference until I got out to about 15 yards. I haven’t tried any federal with the flight control wad but it’s on my “to get” list. I keep the federals in it that I shot. I’m not planning on taking shots out past 25-30 yards so really any of the shells I shot would work. I have seen the flight control tests and it does seem to group very tight even to greater distances.