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by Mike S
Tue Aug 24, 2021 7:22 pm
Forum: General
Topic: 10 Ways to Spot Great Teachers (and Avoid Crummy Ones)
Replies: 8
Views: 12977

Re: 10 Ways to Spot Great Teachers (and Avoid Crummy Ones)

I'm a big fan of The Talent Code. Coyle lays out three main themes as key in developing world class performance:

1. The students' drive / motivation to master the skills

2. 'Deep Practice', or deliberate, focused practice vs just repetition

3. 'Master Coaching, which entails attributes that Allisji alluded to. One of those attributes is reading the student & coaching based on the students' temperament and learning style.

From what I remember from the book, it seems best suited for learning/teaching hands-on or physical tasks. The book details the plasticity of the brain in layman's terms, but many of the recommendations could be adapted for didactic / lectures as well (overview of the entire process, then 'chunking' or breaking tasks into smaller blocks; etc).

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