Private forums are just that, private. There is no 1st issue, just as if you come into my house there is no 2nd issue. I can BAR guns from my home, regardless of your constitutional RKBA.
Forums are moderated by volunteers who use a standard of conduct, usually loosley written, to make decision on allowable conduct. Since each moderator has different points of view, they will moderate differently.
Those members who are edited/censored will almost always believe they were not moderated fairly. That makes sense, becuase if the member thought the way the moderator did the member would never have made the edited/censored post.
There is no school for all of the members to go to for clarification on the rules, no case law for us to refer to, no board or panel for the moderators to gather a consesus for editing/censoring, so it appears, and in fact to an extent, is arbitrary.
And just for the record, I have had post edited, one deleted, and been asked to chill in a particular thread. Its all part of message boards.