Man, I have tried to learn to print several times. I have even had one of the FP instructors from the DSO jail teach me. I just can't get it. I smudge and have skips................KBCraig wrote:I don't work R&D (Receiving & Discharge), so my experience with fingerprinting has been minimal. But, I did learn how as part of my initial training 15 years ago, and I've done it a few dozen times over the years (after-hours transfers and self-commitments, etc.)
By the traditional inkpad method, it's not difficult with a cooperative subject. Ink the digit(s) in question, then either press or roll as called for on the card. For anyone who will follow the instructions, 10 minutes of instruction and a couple of turns at practice is sufficient.
I was just speaking on Thursday with one of our R&D officers, about the new JABS computer (which is connected to a DoJ-wide electronic fingerprint system). He said that while it's a no-brainer to operate, it's much slower than traditional fingerprinting. Granted, this is from a guy with almost 20 years of experience of processing in 40-inmate busloads.
I can lift a set of latents like a mad man, but printing; I stink. lol