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by txinvestigator
Sat Dec 22, 2007 1:25 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Are you seeing Security Guards open carrying after hours???
Replies: 18
Views: 2075

Re: Are you seeing Security Guards open carrying after hours???

ctxpta wrote:It is illegal for a security officer IN UNIFORM to carry a concealed handgun!!! This applies to both Commissioned (armed) and Non-Commissioned (unarmed).

Uhh, OK :confused5
by txinvestigator
Fri Dec 21, 2007 10:27 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Are you seeing Security Guards open carrying after hours???
Replies: 18
Views: 2075

Re: Are you seeing Security Guards open carrying after hours???

Dragonfighter wrote:Back when I did the patrol thing, that was an odd deal as we were all over the city but we were in a marked car. I often stopped at restaurants where we had posted guards (I doubled as a standing guard supervisor) so going armed was not an issue.

I once went into an IHOP in Richardson and had disarmed, the local PD were there and jumped my stuff about leaving the weapon in the vehicle and what a target my empty holster indicated. They insisted that I was to wear the weapon in when I stopped there. It was Richardson PD policy irrespective of laws to the contrary. It became a very popular place among security guards. they also

There was also a 7-11 was in the middle of a lot of my stops and I used to stop there for coffee, if the PD was in there, they never gave me a second glance.

Just some reminiscinces(sp?) from back in the day.
Your experience show the quandary that commissioned guards faced, and why the law needed changing. It was really silly that a guard on lunch on coffee would have to disarm.
by txinvestigator
Tue Dec 11, 2007 8:37 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Are you seeing Security Guards open carrying after hours???
Replies: 18
Views: 2075

Re: Are you seeing Security Guards open carrying after hours

Lucky45 wrote:I was wondering if you guys are seeing any Security guards open carrying after regular business hours. If any security guards are on the forum, then I would like to know if any new policies have been implemented since Sept 1. I was just curious because it seems to me that I have not seen hardly any private security guards in uniform in the last couple of months in my usually around the town runs. It used to be quite often that I would run into some. Just wondering.
Can you specify what you mean by "after business hours"?

Edit; Are you referring to the change in the law that no longer requires a commissioned guard to be proceeding directly to or from his place of assignment in order to lawfully carry his handgun?

That change was made to 1702 of the Occupations Code. Guards cannot put on their uniform and just go out to eat while off duty, or anything of that nature. The way the law was written before, if the guard stopped at the 7/11 on the way to work and carried his gun in, he could be charged.

The legislature simply made it not necessary to be going "directly" to or from, but he still has to be going to or from work to be legal.

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