Another proplem; whose standard do you use. You better be careful, you might get what you ask for and California's model will be the National one.Tecumseh wrote:I agree. I think that if it can work with DLs then it can work with CHLs. I would like to suggest PA or Indiana as the model for the rest of the country.LarryArnold wrote:What we really need, of course, is national reciprocity and a uniform set of concealed carry rules.
I remember when I first started driving the rules in each state were different. I.e. some states allowed right turn on red, some didn't; the traffic control signs were different; etc. Then Congress came up with a uniform set of rules, which makes it much easier to drive.
There was also a time way back when state driver's licenses weren't reciprocal.
Note that while I think national standardization needs to happen, I realize it will be a nail-biter of a process ironing out the details.
ANd will this be some federal law? You want the feds regulating you more? No thanks. It is a state's rights issue. The people of each state get the government they deserve.
Can you point me towards the law congress passsed about driving laws? I was certain that Texas had state traffic laws, not federal ones.