And the waiting is killing me. I'm not known to be the most patient of people when it comes to waiting for something I really want.
My timeline is as follows;
07/20 - submitted online app
07/22 - fingerprints done
08/01 - took class
08/03 - emailed docs, received confirmation
08/03 to 08/20 - wore out the online status page
08/20 - called in and the nice lady who answered stated "it is done, we just need to print your card and send it out"
08/21 - online status page still not updated, but I sure am stalking the mailman.
Called again on 08/24 - was told again they're just waiting to print the card and send it out and it could be another week or two.
I'm still wearing out the status page, hasn't updated yet...
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- Tue Aug 25, 2015 5:40 pm
- Forum: The "Waiting Room"
- Topic: Newbie with questions
- Replies: 17
- Views: 3319
- Tue Aug 25, 2015 5:17 pm
- Forum: The "Waiting Room"
- Topic: Newbie with questions
- Replies: 17
- Views: 3319
Re: Newbie with questions
My nickname is from long ago, I'm stocky and broad like a bulldog, I just don't drool like one =)
- Tue Aug 25, 2015 4:49 pm
- Forum: The "Waiting Room"
- Topic: Newbie with questions
- Replies: 17
- Views: 3319
Re: Newbie with questions
I'm a newbie myself, playing the waiting game and constantly checking the website for updates. I believe they only send an email when documents are sent to them electronically, it looks like an automated response that comes back.