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by dlh
Fri Sep 09, 2016 5:03 am
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Recommend A Good Cleaning Gun Spray!
Replies: 37
Views: 6002

Re: Recommend A Good Cleaning Gun Spray!

I usually use Break-Free CLP or Ballistol as a solvent--for hard jobs use Hoppe's Elite. Mobile1 synthetic in a needle oiler is a great lubricant for slides and hard to reach places. Same with Silver Bullet Gun Oil although the p.c. crowd will object to it for other reasons.

Back in the sixties when I was a teenager I liberally sprayed my firearms with WD-40. Since then I have read while WD-40 is a satisfactory solvent it is not a good lubricant as it leaves a "gummy residue" over time. I am no chemical engineer and have done no testing but I no longer use the WD-40 because of that.

I enjoy cleaning my firearms. It is an easy way for me to "get into the zone" and relax. Much more fun than mowing the grass. :cool:

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