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by MoJo
Sun May 16, 2010 6:23 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: LCP slide lock/didn't
Replies: 10
Views: 1854

Re: LCP slide lock/didn't

J Wilson wrote:Mojo,
My M14 never bit me,but we had Garands in Infantry Training.Lots of guys walking around with bloody thumbs. Piiiiiing!
My M14 in basic training had a bolt catch that was so worn that half the time when I tried to lock the bolt open it would slam closed as soon as I let go of the bolt. Made inspection arms interesting.
by MoJo
Sun May 16, 2010 10:21 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: LCP slide lock/didn't
Replies: 10
Views: 1854

Re: LCP slide lock/didn't

Seniorshooteress, Back when the M1 Rifle (Garand) was the service rifle there was a condition called "M1 thumb" later known as "M14 thumb." Those two rifles have busted open and/or broken thousands of GI's thumbs. Be glad it was only a pistol that got you I've been had by both the M1 and M14 :cryin . You are now a fully initiated shooter! :cheers2: I hope your thumb gets well soon, nothing sticks out farther than a sore thumb. ;-)

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