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- Thu Sep 24, 2015 10:36 am
- Forum: The Crime Blotter
- Topic: More armed and unarmed violence in gun free New York
- Replies: 152
- Views: 69733
Re: More armed and unarmed violence in gun free New York
As someone who was born on Long Island, and still has a lot of family there I have to chime in here. Sadly New York gets a bad rap (deservedly so 99% of the time) but all New Yorkers aren't libs. Most of my family are active hunters and gun owners and Upstate New York is full of like minded people. Unfortunately the majority of NYC is liberal and NYC is the most densely populated area in the state. So that's who the politicians pander too. It ends up being that old saying NYC sneazes and the rest of the state catches a cold. So please don't blame all of NY. Just the stupid ones in large numbers.