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by Deitz83
Mon Mar 22, 2021 11:16 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Enforceability of mask requirements
Replies: 50
Views: 29812

Re: Enforceability of mask requirements

srothstein wrote: Sun Mar 21, 2021 9:59 pm
Tex1961 wrote: Sun Mar 21, 2021 7:52 pm
ScottDLS wrote: Sun Mar 21, 2021 7:45 pm
Tex1961 wrote: Thu Mar 11, 2021 1:32 pm My business, my rules. I can kick you out anytime for any reason.
Unless the "you" is an off duty cop and is being kicked out for carrying. In that case the business would be liable for a civil penalty if such an action were taken. Certain classes of individuals are special and your rules don't apply to them.
Aww come on, now you’re just nitpicking. Of course a business has to follow the laws and I’m no exception. My house, my business I make the rules but I’m still bound by the rules and laws of the land. Geez.

I believe this is the point he is making. The rules should be "my property, my rules", whether it is my home or my business. Why do we have these laws that interfere with it? If the cop is off-duty, why does he have any special privileges? I pointed this out elsewhere when I said that my right to freedom of association is being infringed by laws that require me to allow certain customers in my business, even if I have to spend my money to make it possible for them to enter or lose other customers.

As a retired cop, I do know one possible answer, in Texas, why certain off duty officers must be allowed in with their guns. There is a Texas law that says any officer MUST take action when a crime occurs in his presence or view AND in his jurisdiction. It makes sense to me that you cannot disarm an officer who might be called on to respond to a crime. And as we all know, the crime might not be in your business but might be between your business and where he had to leave his firearm. I can understand officers in this one case. But the law doesn't apply to just off-duty officers in their jurisdiction and that is a problem. If a Dallas police officer is in San Antonio on vacation, he has no legal requirement to respond so the argument doesn't really apply.

So we come up with the argument that the government can make you disregard your own rules on your own property. And if they can do it in one case, how do you limit when they can do it? If they can do it to your business, can they do it to yoru home? And before you answer that, consider if you have a need to take in a boarder to help you financially for some reason. Or if you need to hire a home care person. Can you discriminate and choose the person you want to associate with?
Or if you need to hire a home care person. Can you discriminate and choose the person you want to associate with? Yes...happens every minute of the day.
My cousin does home healthcare and travels in rural areas in the east coast. She has gone to countless homes with confederate flags hanging on the front porch. After knocking on the door and telling the patient she is there to provide care. They refuse to let a person of color enter their home and provide care. She tells them that no one else will be coming out to give them their meds and if they refuse care they are taking their health in their own hands. Many have family members that help defuse the situation. Others don't get the care they need. I am not sure how many get sicker or die. My cousin is a health care professional. Providing care is her main goal. She does not judge people for their political or racial beliefs.

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