oh yes I have known my DL Number since 1976 when I turned 16 ...... OK OK OK Deep Breath I am going to ignore this tomorrow. Wait I can't it's
Friday ......Did I mention I am Impatient
I want it Now
Just for Grins timeframe
Completed app 5/26/2015
CHL Proficiency Course 5/23/2015
Fingerprint 6/10/2015
sent finger print info received 6/12/2015
called and confirmed they had all info 6/25/2015
Now I am about to wear out my keyboard checking
Sent everything in June 10th and I have talked to DPS , and they have everything .
Had a DWI 6 1/2 years ago and haven't had a drink in 5 1/2 years .
Jail is Inspirational as well as over rated . Reported all that .
I am foaming at the bit waiting for plastic . Lets see how long this takes .