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by Prankster707
Sun Jun 21, 2015 10:55 pm
Forum: DPS Updates
Topic: Petition to the Governor and the Texas DPS.
Replies: 19
Views: 23373

Re: Petition to the Governor and the Texas DPS.

The Annoyed Man wrote:No problem. My application, back in late 2007, took about 75 days to complete. I had to send them additional documentation to prove my citizenship (I'm an American, born overseas), and I didn't even get the notice for that until after 40-some days had passed. I find that as I get older, I get a little more philosophical about the passage of time.

Perhaps there has been an uptick in CHL applications, but the thing is, the numbers will come down again. What will they do with those state employees they hired to meet a temporary demand.... let them all go? By the way, if you think that getting a CHL takes too long, try jumping through the hoops to register a suppressor with BATFE and get the tax stamp...... 4-6 months to process because BATFE only has about 20 examiners to process the many tens of thousands of Form 4 filings they get every year, and there is a MASSIVE backlog.

Government is what it is, even in Texas.
That's probably what it is, lol, since I'm younger, I'm always on the move and doing stuff. So actually having to wait for something is a bit hard. But as for the temporary demand, it seems, at least to my knowledge and research that this has been going on for quite some time. I've seen posts dating back to 2010 and such about the sudden in flux of applications and so on, and I assume it has to do with Obama and the all the gun control things that are going on. That sounds like it totally sucks, man. Sounds like they need some help too, lol.
by Prankster707
Sun Jun 21, 2015 10:38 pm
Forum: DPS Updates
Topic: Petition to the Governor and the Texas DPS.
Replies: 19
Views: 23373

Re: Petition to the Governor and the Texas DPS.

The Annoyed Man wrote:
Prankster707 wrote:I've been on the forum for a few days, as I've just recently finished all my Concealed Handgun requirements for getting the license, and there's been a few things that I've noticed:

Several people have been waiting for longer than the four to six weeks set by law, and this honestly kind of both disappointed me and kind of made me angry. It seems that the Texas DPS in Austin is either understaffed, staffed by incompetent employees or is just in need of a plain, good ole overhaul. I've seen posts on here of people calling and being told that they didn't send in their CHL-100, or the email team had "forgotten" to send their documents over to the licensing people, among other completely ridiculous and preventable measures. I'm not sure about you, but this is completely unacceptable for any business, organization or government entity to do. I had foolishly expected better out of the great state of Texas, but I guess I was wrong.

I'm not quite sure this will help us at all, but I figured that it was worth a shot, and heck, I'm American so I'm going to use the rights that my father and forefathers fought, sweated and bled for. So if you would, give my petition a signature and hopefully Mr. Abbott will continue to prove that he is, indeed, pro-gun rights. ... n-licenses" onclick=";return false;

Please let me know if the link doesn't work, thanks again!
The law allows 60 days.......which turns out to be 8 weeks......not the 4-6 weeks you said. Welcome to the forum. I do NOT mean this comment to sound disrespectful, but you sound to me like you're angry out of proportion to the offense.....if there is an offense..... and I would suggest that you might want to calm down a bit before you start carrying. You have a right to carry, but with rights comes responsibilities, among which are a responsibility to stay calm and keep a sense of perspective if you're going to go about strapped.

I don't take any offense to your comment. :) I guess I should have used frustrated rather than angry, but I still feel that it could do with a bit of reform. There are several people out there that are still going over the sixty day/ eight weeks limit, and I don't know everyone's situation, but it seems to me that it is quite ridiculous that people have to continually call the DPS for confirmation if they received their documents, and so on and so forth. There's also the thing that they allow you to upload your documents online and even send you a confirmation email that they've received them, but yet they still use mail to alert you that there's something wrong. I'm not sure about you, but that doesn't make sense to me. I understand that they have probably hundreds of thousands of people applying for these permits, and I don't live in Austin or work for the Texas DPS, but why haven't they tried to adapt? If they're getting overloaded by applications, the only reasonable solution, at least to my young and naive mind, is to hire more people or shove most of the grunt work off to the regional offices and leave the final say so and licensing printing to the main office in Austin. I also agree with you wholeheartedly that practicing your rights comes with responsibilities, but this was mainly to help people out and to streamline the process. I'm sorry if it came off as angry, disrespectful or belligerent because that wasn't my intention. Also, I didn't really do the math for the sixty days equaling out to eight weeks, so forgive me for that. Like I said before, my idea was to help my fellow citizens out.

Also, I went back and reread my post and it does carry a bit of an angry vibe, but like I said before, it wasn't my intention.
by Prankster707
Sun Jun 21, 2015 10:15 pm
Forum: DPS Updates
Topic: Petition to the Governor and the Texas DPS.
Replies: 19
Views: 23373

Petition to the Governor and the Texas DPS.

I've been on the forum for a few days, as I've just recently finished all my Concealed Handgun requirements for getting the license, and there's been a few things that I've noticed:

Several people have been waiting for longer than the four to six weeks set by law, and this honestly kind of both disappointed me and kind of made me angry. It seems that the Texas DPS in Austin is either understaffed, staffed by incompetent employees or is just in need of a plain, good ole overhaul. I've seen posts on here of people calling and being told that they didn't send in their CHL-100, or the email team had "forgotten" to send their documents over to the licensing people, among other completely ridiculous and preventable measures. I'm not sure about you, but this is completely unacceptable for any business, organization or government entity to do. I had foolishly expected better out of the great state of Texas, but I guess I was wrong.

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