The Annoyed Man wrote:You can't make this stuff up. ... 217777.php
Oakland recruiting ex-cons to oversee cops
By Matier & RossJune 14, 2017 Updated: June 15, 2017 9:29amCalifornians are so stupid now that they are no longer made dizzy by swirling around the toilet bowl.Former cops need not apply, but former inmates are being encouraged by the city of Oakland to apply for slots on the city’s new police commission.
A notice recently posted on the city’s website for would-be commissioners says, “Must be an Oakland resident. Must be at least 18 years old. Formerly incarcerated individuals encouraged to apply.”
And what really bugs the cops is that the voter-approved measure creating the commission bars current and former Oakland cops from serving, as well as police union employees.
Liberalism is the philosophy of the terminally stupid.