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by rm9792
Tue Jan 12, 2010 12:41 am
Forum: Rifles & Shotguns
Topic: Lake Lavon (Collin Co.) COE lottery. Shoot hogs w/shotguns.
Replies: 12
Views: 2295

Re: Lake Lavon (Collin Co.) COE lottery. Shoot hogs w/shotguns.

MoJo wrote:
surprise_i'm_armed wrote: SIA
I don't know about SOP, ethically anyone killing an animal just to "leave it rot there for the vulchers to feast upon." is a slob hunter. There are lots of hungry people who would love to have the meat if you don't.

Not necessarily slobs. I know quite a few hunters that bring home deer, fowl, etc but leave feral hogs to the carrion lovers. I have been told that the hogs meat isnt very good and there are way too many of them as they breed fast.

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