For the record, there is absolutely no way anyone can draw a 1911 from a strong-side concealed carry, manually cock the hammer, and fire as quickly as someone equally athletic and trained can draw, flip the safey, and shoot the gun as intended. Folks who train with 1911s train to pull them out of the holster with their thumbs already on the safety. That's one reason they dominate in the IPSC game: handled as intended, they are no slower to present than "safety-less" firearms like Glocks.[end quote]
I completely agree with your statement. I do compete IDPA C&L and am proficient in that as well. I am never planning on speed drawing, if the danger is that fast and close I waited too long anyway. Any action can be performed with a certain degree of safety and I dont cock or attempt to cock until almost on target. I could care less about milliseconds of time, I simply dont like C&L for daily carry much like I dont like striker pistols. It may be irrational but thats my way. I work on my own pistols, under watch from a highly qualified gunsmith, and I know the sear, safeties, etc are unlikely to fail but I just dont want it C&L for daily carry. I have also said i would carry C&L if a LEO or when I go to bad parts of town (day or night) which unfortunately I have to do for work. Speaking of the collection, I have picked up several more 1911's I need to show off soon! Kimber DW, Kimber hicap, Springfield Blackened SS Loaded, 2 6 incher full customs, etc.