Bitter Clinger wrote: ↑Fri Oct 05, 2018 2:04 pm
RoyBoy wrote: ↑Fri Oct 05, 2018 1:23 pm
Went to the state fair on opening day. I knew from the website that concealed carry was allowed. When I got to the metal detectors I informed
the lady checking us that I would set off the metal detector due to concealed carry. She simply told me to walk around the detector and show
the nearest policeman my LTC. I walked over to a policeman sitting on a raised platform and showed him my LTC. He took a short glance at it
and told me to have a nice day and enjoy the fair. So all in all a good interaction. But the truth is, I could have just walked on in and not said
anything. The policeman was looking at 10 plus lines of people. Not a very secure setup for them. But they did keep me from carrying my
pocket knife in!
yep. Dumb and dumber were staffing the metal detector. I was told I could carry in my HG but not my pocket folder.
I had the same thing happen at Dallas City Hall. I know the state law makes them have to let me in with a pistol. However I would expect someone to go, well we let him in with a G17 and 2 spare mags, maybe his 2" old timer is okay. But no, had to walk all the way back out to the truck to put my super dangerous pocket knife up.