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by loktite
Sat Apr 08, 2017 10:58 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Password Manager
Replies: 32
Views: 10764

Re: Password Manager

bblhd672 wrote:I use KeePass 2, storing the database on Dropbox. Accessible from my Apple devices and Windows pc's.
I use Keepass2 androidoffline app on my android. I currently use google drive as my sync platform, although it's more like a backup since I mainly just the app on the phone. As some of the other password managers, it can generate VERY strong passwords. One feature I like on the app I use: It adds a Keyboard to the system, such that when you select an entry inside of the Keepass2 android app, you can then go to the app/webpage where you want to input the password, change the keyboard from the system default to Keepass2Android, and it puts the password directly into the field, BYPASSING the clipboard so something that was monitoring your cut/paste clipboard would be none the wiser. Very useful when using app generated passwords.

In addition to the password to open the database file, you can also specify a key file that must be present to open said file, if you are looking for an additional bit of security.

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