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by TVegas
Sun Nov 22, 2015 5:12 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: SB11 Implementation at A&M College Station
Replies: 77
Views: 27130

Re: SB11 Implementation at A&M College Station

ScottDLS wrote:
bigity wrote:The dorms reference made me assume we were talking about enlisted folks. Officers live in 'residences' :D
I was assuming that they were talking about the Corps cadets at A&M, the bulk of whom are likely ROTC so hopefully get to be officers after they get their degrees, but have to live in "dorms" in the meantime...or barracks, or whatever the Aggies call 'em. :shock:
Haha they're called dorms, but as a collective they're called the Quad.
by TVegas
Thu Nov 05, 2015 12:49 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: SB11 Implementation at A&M College Station
Replies: 77
Views: 27130

Re: SB11 Implementation at A&M College Station

ELB wrote:I just remembered one other place on the College Station campus that has metal detectors: the George H.W. Bush museum. A couple years ago after the TEEX annual Municipal Fire School at Brayton Field, I stopped by the museum. I noticed some security guards at the door with a metal detector, so I shed a pointy object or two I had my pockets and went in. Soon as they saw my (VFD) uniform, they smiled and waved me by without going thru the "gauntlet." ;-)
Oh yeah! I almost forgot that I had my knife on me when I was walking in, so I asked if they didn't allow them (being federal property and all). I was very surprised when the officer said it was fine and let me keep it on me.
by TVegas
Thu Nov 05, 2015 12:11 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: SB11 Implementation at A&M College Station
Replies: 77
Views: 27130

Re: SB11 Implementation at A&M College Station

J.R.@A&M wrote:
ELB wrote:I'm baffled by the "metal detectors" too; I've been around the campus at College Station a bit, and never saw any. ?? And I could quibble with the nonsense about being "comfortable", but overall I like his statement about concealed carry. I read it as telling the staff "look, concealed carry is not a problem, it's really in your head, deal with it" in polite university speak. At least hope that's what he meant.
The only metal detectors I have ever seen on the A&M campus are the ones at Easterwood Airport (which technically is a campus building, I think).
It is, but it's leased and operated by a separate airfield company. Strictest TSA agents I've ever seen.
by TVegas
Wed Nov 04, 2015 9:26 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: SB11 Implementation at A&M College Station
Replies: 77
Views: 27130

Re: SB11 Implementation at A&M College Station

b322da wrote:Starting in fall 2016, students 21 years or older with concealed carry licenses will be permitted to carry concealed firearms into buildings on campus. Young pointed out that concealed carry is permitted in some areas of campus and officials do not know how many metal detectors are located outside of classrooms.

What metal detectors outside of classrooms? There aren't even metal detectors at the gates of Kyle Field.
by TVegas
Tue Oct 27, 2015 12:15 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: SB11 Implementation at A&M College Station
Replies: 77
Views: 27130

Re: SB11 Implementation at A&M College Station

While it would be nice (maybe even appropriate) for the general public to voice their opinion, I think limiting the responses to students, faculty, and staff will give a more accurate representation of opinions from people who the decision would actually impact. If a survey link was open to the public and posted on anti-gun and pro-gun websites, the survey would be flooded with opinions at both ends of the spectrum, and most respondents would never step foot on the A&M campus.

As a former student, I would like to have gotten a link though! :lol:
by TVegas
Wed Oct 14, 2015 6:30 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: SB11 Implementation at A&M College Station
Replies: 77
Views: 27130

Re: SB11 Implementation at A&M College Station

RetNavy wrote:
TVegas wrote:A firearms attorney and Aggie in communication with the administration told me that the school plans on renting gunsafes to CHL holders who live in dorms. Students will be able to order their gunsafes at the same time they order their mini-fridges. :lol:

I'm sad that I graduated before I had the opportunity to take advantage of campus carry, but I'm proud to see that my alma mater has responded in very reasonable ways so far.

I myself would not mind buying my own safe and installing it it the room..... even pay the maintenance/repair fee if wall mounted when removed...

its not a bad idea, but how secure would they be.... could there a common back up key to access them.... kind like the Navy's CIWS firing key.... one key fits all systems... one of the safes i have has a plastic key to unlock it with incase the batteries die.... even car keys are not unique.... guy i worked with on one of my ships his Trans Am key would unlock my Nova's door lock.

like you I graduated before this... but if i was still there and lived in a dorm I would want my weapon to be as secured as possible if I have to leave it in the room while I'm in a class

2007 Alumni
I definitely agree with you. I would think A&M is smart enough to know not to use safes that could be accessed like that, but who knows.

Class of 2015 :thumbs2:
cyphertext wrote: How many students would that really affect? First, most students who live in the dorms are not old enough to qualify for a CHL... and second, those who are old enough typically do not live in the dorms. :headscratch
I understand that there's a distinct possibility that zero students may actually need to use the service, but the fact that the school is taking that type of action is impressive. (rather than trying to push there luck posting 30.06s on all the dorms and in the dorm paperwork, like a school a couple of hours west of A&M is probably going to do)
by TVegas
Wed Oct 14, 2015 4:09 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: SB11 Implementation at A&M College Station
Replies: 77
Views: 27130

Re: SB11 Implementation at A&M College Station

A firearms attorney and Aggie in communication with the administration told me that the school plans on renting gunsafes to CHL holders who live in dorms. Students will be able to order their gunsafes at the same time they order their mini-fridges. :lol:

I'm sad that I graduated before I had the opportunity to take advantage of campus carry, but I'm proud to see that my alma mater has responded in very reasonable ways so far.

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