That's about what I figured, I didn't think the federal no-carry rules would go outside the federally-leased buildings.jmorris wrote: ...
Their response was that our building being leased (and this should extend to any lease-back building on PSA) it was under Texas state jurisdiction for all but purely federal legislation. Because of 18/930 we couldn't have firearms in the building but we could have them in the parking lot since 18/930 only applies to buildings. ...
I can, if anyone wants it, dig out a copy of that memo and send it to you. Just PM me.
And yes, I'd like a copy of that memo, I will PM you shortly.
But I am still curious if there are any non-federal/commercial/private interests that lease buildings from PSA -- and try to forbid LTC carry. That would seem to be against state law.
Thanks for the post.