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by ELB
Fri Jan 22, 2016 1:34 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: 34 sign complaints against governmental entities...
Replies: 17
Views: 2934

Re: 34 sign complaints against governmental entities...

steveincowtown wrote: ...

For my part, I have filled a complaint with TXDCF that the Fort Worth Zoo Child Care Center is not in compliance with many state laws, including:

- not having the proper amount of sleep mats or cribs.
- not having a designated storage area for every pupil with their name on it.
- having pay phones- this against Texas law for child care facilities
- having immediate access to chickens and reptiles (petting zoo)
- insufficient number of bathrooms for capacity of facility
- locking doors on bathrooms that are above a child's reach

...and that is just what I could think of off the top of my head.
Interesting. Keep us posted on this.
by ELB
Fri Jan 22, 2016 12:29 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: 34 sign complaints against governmental entities...
Replies: 17
Views: 2934

Re: 34 sign complaints against governmental entities...

GeekwithaGun wrote:need to register to read the whole story. :grumble

Is there a place on the state sites where all the complaints can be viewed?
Hmm, sorry, it let me in to read the whole thing after giving me a chance to sign up. Maybe if you google the story, sometimes that will take you past the sign-up business.

I don't know of any place on the Texas AG site where he lists pending complaints. Mr. Cotton is keeping a list over at the TFC site I believe, but only those that people tell him about.
by ELB
Fri Jan 22, 2016 11:00 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: 34 sign complaints against governmental entities...
Replies: 17
Views: 2934

34 sign complaints against governmental entities...

State residents have filed 34 complaints against public venues banning open carry of guns

Do read the whole thing, but here are some items that jumped out at me. I added underlined boldface in some instances.
“With all due respect with what they’re trying to do, you can’t pick and choose which part of the law you follow,” said Terry Holcomb, head of pro-gun group Texas Carry, who has filed three of the complaints. “Whether you agree or disagree, we’re all expected to follow the law.”

Holcomb, who has gained some notoriety as the gun-toting pastor of Oakhurst’s Crossroads Baptist Church, said he sent out 16 notices last week alerting local governments he was planning to file complaints if they did not reverse course.
He's been busy.
San Antonio City Council has relegated public space at City Hall to only the first-floor lobby. The rest of the building is considered secured, private space where open carry does not apply. There have been no complaints filed with the attorney general against San Antonio.
This sounds mighty suspicious to me. Any San Antonians here want to go check this out? And is it really only "open carry" that is banned in the upper floors?

Ok now, read this carefully:
Fort Worth received the most complaints of any one city for alleged violations by its zoo, science and history museum and Will Rogers Memorial Center.

Fort Worth Deputy City Attorney Gerald Pruitt said guns can be banned in the zoo because it is a registered childcare facility, and, thus, a gun-free zone under state law.

While the land under the Fort Worth Museum of Science and History is leased from the city, the building is owned and operated by a private nonprofit that has the right to ban guns where it pleases, he added.
More at the link. Note the squeals of the Bexar County deputy appraiser.

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