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by ELB
Wed Oct 10, 2012 7:45 pm
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: Woman robbed in Walmart parking lot
Replies: 13
Views: 1568

Re: Woman robbed in Walmart parking lot

MolonLabe wrote:I think it has been mentioned before, but I found the book "The Gift of Fear" by Gavin de Becker ...
It does has some very useful info about trusting that your instincts and your subconscious are trying to tell you something very important when the situation "feels wrong." de Becker sort of loses his way in the response department later in the book tho. He is very anti-gun.

A good companion read (and gift)to this is Rory Miller's Facing Violence: Preparing for the Unexpected. I don't think it is terribly expensive in paperback, and is a bargain in Kindle format. It might be a bit tough to get someone who poo-poos self-defense, whereas the de Becker book would be an easier start for them (but might reinforce their anti-gun stance in the end). However, for anyone who realizes that they could be the target of a violent attack, the Miller book is very very good.

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