Not a bad doggie, just a normal Lab, I think. I have a Lab, and I find body parts on my front deck all the time.seamusTX wrote:In Mission Thursday a 2-year-old Labrador retriever (not named) was found chewing on a ...
Mostly deer, occasionally smaller critters. No human parts yet, at least that I could recognize. My Lab loves to roam the woods nearby, find carcasses, and drag them up to chew on the bones. He doesn't hunt animals (he occasionally barks at the live deer, who laugh at him), he just goes with his retriever nature and brings stuff home.
A couple times he has brought home baby skunks and deposited them at the front door for me to find. One of them was alive, eyes not open yet. The dog did not leave a mark on him. I took it to a wildlife rehabilitation place. The next day he brought me its sibling, which unfortunately had not survived the night. Since this was just after a heavy rain, the wildlife people said they were probably washed out of their burrow by the down pour. I have several black cats, my dog probably thought these were smelly black cats that needed looking after.