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by ELB
Wed Jun 23, 2010 12:16 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Social media location-based updates
Replies: 6
Views: 1496

Re: Social media location-based updates

surprise_i'm_armed wrote: ...
Somewhere in Texas (San Antonio maybe?) they just
arrested a travel agent and her husband. She would book
people on weeklong cruises, look up their home address,
and burglarize her customers' homes with all the time in
the world to go through the house, since she knew they
would not be back for a week.

Ahem, let me defend my south Texas neighbors on this one -- it was a travel agent in Miami, FL, who worked for Royal Carribbean, who pulled this stunt. ... tml?hpt=T2" onclick=";return false;

It is food for thought when booking travel from anywhere, tho. And putting your plans on Facebook or anywhere else would be risky...

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