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by ELB
Mon Aug 21, 2023 9:07 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: NM: Hand gun with trigger pulled by Alec Baldwin in rehearsal kills one injures one
Replies: 222
Views: 91911

Re: NM: Hand gun with trigger pulled by Alec Baldwin in rehearsal kills one injures one

philip964 wrote: Wed Aug 16, 2023 2:28 pm ... index.html

No I didn’t read it wrong. The FBI broke the gun during their testing. The gun was repaired to working order and when it was the gun would not fire unless the trigger was pulled.

If Baldwin was a Conservative I’d say he was being railroaded.
I’m baffled. I think the FBI as an institution has no integrity left, but there’s nothing about their initial lab report, or the second one that I can construe to Alec Baldwin’s favor, nor do I see how it is slanted against him. Seems to me that he gave his claim every opportunity to be proven possible, and it wasn’t.

Alex Baldwin claims was the gun fired by itself. The FBI lab tested this numerous ways, including pounding on the hammer of the gun with a mallet I guess, and still couldn’t get it to fire other than by pulling the trigger. My understanding is this is how they broke the gun, Applying so much force that, instead of firing, the gun broke. How does that cut in Alec Baldwin’s favor?

And when they replaced the broken parts, they still couldn’t get it to fire accidentally. To me, that sounds like a very thorough test of his claim, and very strong evidence that it was not possible for the firearm to “go off”.

I don’t see this supporting Alec Baldwin at all, nor do I see how it railroads him. Basically, they showed that the gun operates as designed even under extreme conditions.

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