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by treadlightly
Sat Apr 07, 2018 11:25 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Employers that allow their employees to carry
Replies: 49
Views: 13845

Re: Employers that allow their employees to carry

LDB415 wrote:I'm old and cranky with a bad attitude. My take is that unless the employer officially gives notice either during the hiring interview or employee handbook/materials provided when hired that carrying is prohibited it is perfectly allowable to carry concealed at work. Nobody is going to know anyway since it's concealed. YMMV.
When I ran my own tiny company (11 on staff, as I recall), I never thought to mention guns. Or set limits oxygen consumption while on the job. It just never occurred to me.

Now, my son and I run a small operation. Hmmm... I guess I could tell him his Glock isn't welcome. Oh, wait, not a problem. He's a good lad, he carries a 1911. Silly me.

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