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by treadlightly
Mon Mar 12, 2018 9:46 am
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Anyone else have a beer gut?
Replies: 31
Views: 8881

Re: Anyone else have a beer gut?

I'd offer advice, but I'm becoming less qualified as I become less of a human. As in 16 pounds less in the last two months. Headed for a total of 90 pounds down, which I hope to hit in another 30 or 40 weeks. We'll see, of course, I can't count on it until it's done. 74 pounds to go.

But I can't be too cocky. This weekend was a horrible failure for me. I ate a Freddy's hot dog lunch on Saturday (where open carry is discouraged, but concealed is fine), jumbo tamales for lunch Sunday, enjoyed some corn chips, and swiped some of my wife's York mint candies when she wasn't looking.

All I lost was one miserable pound for the whole weekend. :biggrinjester:

Curiously, I don't get too hungry, and I have not had to apply any willpower so far. I'm just losing weight. Since getting away from Dr. Pepper my palate has adjusted. I can finally understand why pioneer children were so excited to get an apple for Christmas. So succulent, such an explosion of refreshingness when you bite into one... Mmmm... Now that I mentioned it, I can't help myself. I'm going to lay waste to a Golden Delicious right now.

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