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by tx glock guy
Thu Jul 12, 2007 8:17 pm
Forum: New to CHL?
Topic: Another range qualification question
Replies: 4
Views: 1549

Thank you all for your kind answers and encouragement.

Usually, my wife loads my mags for me. I will see about the ~ 1 minute target for loading 6 rounds.

We both took the classroom phase and will take the range test the same day.

This was my last hurdle. we took the class ar rhe Bullet trap in Plano and will take the range qual there also.
They are quite helpful, so all should go well. I will make sure tonotify my range instructor before hand( I don't like surprises either). maybe even a demo if he suggests, .
I will let him set the requirements and methods as we are all individuals.
Thanks again.
by tx glock guy
Thu Jul 12, 2007 5:01 am
Forum: New to CHL?
Topic: Another range qualification question
Replies: 4
Views: 1549

Another range qualification question

My feft arm/hand does not function 100 percent.
I can shoot well enough with only my right to more than qualify point wise.
I can load magazines ( I will be using a Glock 30 for the test), but it takes quite a while. I will be bringing several magazines. i have the perception that the instructor will ask me to load a small number of rounds for esch string. is there a time limit for reloading and is it possible to cut the time down by preloading magazines?

I am running quite a few practice runs and would like them to be as "real world" as possible.


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