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by Charlies.Contingency
Mon Nov 02, 2015 9:44 am
Forum: Ladies
Topic: LadiesWhat's the best home security weapon
Replies: 22
Views: 19925

Re: LadiesWhat's the best home security weapon

My wife seriously suggest going with a handgun that she likes. A shotgun is great and all, but not if you have to carry a toddler. A handgun you can put in a holster, a shotgun you either put down or sling over your shoulder. A handgun you can have in a small quick access safe, a shotgun must have a large, generally clanky safe. If you must consider the kids, go with a handgun.

My wife is a big Springfield fan, but doesn't quite like the XD(S) series like I do, but favors the G42/43. A handgun with a few holster is both of our suggestions.

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