In theory of course, that's not true for everybody. Though I have my regular guns I shoot with, sometimes due to any number of variables, I switch my shotgun, or handgun, or rifle to shoot better. I stick to near identical platforms, but still, a Glock is no XD(M), nor is a Benelli a Beretta. Different things work for different people, especially for me. Broken knuckle means that sometimes shooting my Glock is not as comfortable as my XD(M), so I will switch and do far better. My last shotgun shoot, I switched mid-shoot to my Tri-Star Viper turkey gun, and shot skeet near flawlessly. My motor skills are trained for all of my guns, and they are all similar in features, such as mag releases, safeties (if applicable), trigger pull (relatively), design, and weight.CleverNickname wrote:I used to shoot IDPA with a guy who would shoot a different gun every match: a 1911 one week, a SIG the next week, and an XD the next. If he'd just stuck with one gun he'd have done a lot better than he did. Don't handicap yourself for no good reason.SBP2015 wrote:At this time I have a Glock 17 for home defense and a Glock 19 for my carry. Was asked today what I wanted to get for birthday this year. I was thinking of a HK P30SK for a second carry. Want to stick with 9mm. Any advice is appreciated.
I don't mean to step on any toes, I just want to offer my opinion that sometimes it works for some people. But your point about going completely Glock is a hard one to beat, but I thought he was looking for a single stack concealable, not just a sub-compact. In which case, I choose a S&W or XD(S) over, due to the lack of even factory mag extensions for bigger hands.