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by Charlies.Contingency
Wed Nov 26, 2014 11:59 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: If and When OC Passes, The Best Way to Do It Discussion
Replies: 98
Views: 14504

Re: If and When OC Passes, The Best Way to Do It Discussion

Excaliber wrote:
nightmare69 wrote:When I'm in training either in class or out at the range I wear 5.11s and a t-shirt. I go to lunch open carrying my duty weapon in a level 2 holster and also displaying my credentials on my belt. I do not like all the attention I received. I once had the cops called on me, I guess the RP did not see my badge. Point is if you don't like attention then don't OC but if you do and I know some people like the fact the public sees them with their gun then more power to you.

Be safe and carry on.
Wearing a shirt that identifies you as an LEO from both front and back when attending training works well to keep folks from calling in a MWAG.
Agreed, I've walked up and addressed people Open Carrying before, strategically of course, and asked if they had a permit for that. (I know, there is no permit, but always sounds good when I say it.) I can't tell if you're a fellow LEO if your badge is on your belt in front of your gun, and I am behind you. I don't open carry unless I have to, and there is a reason for it. Nothing simpler than throwing a jacket over it, I am very fond of western dusters and detective style trench coats, but then again, I can't say a department I've worked at didn't go along with the whole western sheriff and his deputies theme. ;-)
by Charlies.Contingency
Sat Nov 22, 2014 6:10 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: If and When OC Passes, The Best Way to Do It Discussion
Replies: 98
Views: 14504

Re: If and When OC Passes, The Best Way to Do It Discussion

anygunanywhere wrote:In many people's world perceptions are their reality. In the same vein, stereotypes are based on fact. I appreciate TAM's comments. They are very valid. Many already have preconceived notions of us based on recent antics and it will take effort to change their stereotyped vision of us as a group.
I agree with you on the preconceived stereotyping of us gun owners. I see it like this: If you considered different types of anti gunners in shades of red, and pro gunners in shades of blue, most cannot get past the one color they see. An anti gunner may portray people whom they associate guns with, according to the type they see, just like they'd call Iris blue (CHLers), persian blue (OCT crazies), ultramarine blue (mass murders), phthalo blue (cowboys), azure blue (granny's with guns), or any other shade of blue/azule... it seems they all see us as either ultramarine or persian blue, but it's all blue to them, unless we can change that image in their mind to something else, like a granny defending herself from thugs, or a mother fighting off a grizzly with a .44mag.

I might be rambling, but darn it! I'm Chartreuse! NOT just blue! :mrgreen:

I wanted to post this, because it sounded good when I explained to somebody earlier today, how people associate "people with guns" as one big group, and they're all the same in some peoples eyes, even though there are different groups with extreme differences. You can't say you can Identify Chartreuse as Cobalt blue, could you?
by Charlies.Contingency
Mon Nov 17, 2014 9:55 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: If and When OC Passes, The Best Way to Do It Discussion
Replies: 98
Views: 14504

Re: If and When OC Passes, The Best Way to Do It Discussion

Jumping Frog wrote:You hang upside down by your ankles.
That would by why I am not familiar with it, I'll pass on that stuff. :lol::
by Charlies.Contingency
Mon Nov 17, 2014 7:09 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: If and When OC Passes, The Best Way to Do It Discussion
Replies: 98
Views: 14504

Re: If and When OC Passes, The Best Way to Do It Discussion

AdioSS wrote:I will say that this thread has made me reconsider my stance on retention holsters. Most that I have seen with thumb snaps usually go into the same groove in the grip where my hand does.

I have once had my gun fall out of my non-retention holster, but that was me trying an inversion table. I was almost upside down when I felt it slip out. It did stay inside my shirt & there was only one person around who got it out for me so it wouldn't fall on the ground. :lol:
Could you remind me what an Inversion table is again? I seem to have forgotten... Is that one of those workout things?
by Charlies.Contingency
Wed Nov 12, 2014 5:22 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: If and When OC Passes, The Best Way to Do It Discussion
Replies: 98
Views: 14504

Re: If and When OC Passes, The Best Way to Do It Discussion

mojo84 wrote:
Charlies.Contingency wrote:
mojo84 wrote:Charlies, Why not go ahead and wear your level III duty holster when off duty then?
I go level II when concealed, and I do wear my level III when I OC off duty too.
OK, so the difference in which one is whether it's concealed or open. Makes sense.
My level 3 has couple inches height that I have to clear over my level II, it's not the most practical to wear under clothing unless I'm wearing a duster. Level II is easier to clear the retention when under a jacket.
by Charlies.Contingency
Wed Nov 12, 2014 5:11 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: If and When OC Passes, The Best Way to Do It Discussion
Replies: 98
Views: 14504

Re: If and When OC Passes, The Best Way to Do It Discussion

mojo84 wrote:Charlies, Why not go ahead and wear your level III duty holster when off duty then?
I go level II when concealed, and I do wear my level III when I OC off duty too.
by Charlies.Contingency
Wed Nov 12, 2014 4:50 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: If and When OC Passes, The Best Way to Do It Discussion
Replies: 98
Views: 14504

Re: If and When OC Passes, The Best Way to Do It Discussion

mamabearCali wrote:There was a case here in Richmond. It happens, but is not common. As am occasional OCer I always have retention. Not just for bad guys but for curious little kids too.
I'm glad that I'm not alone in my thinking, the most important ones to think about are the kiddos. I've helt my toddler numerous times while OCing, and I couldn't help but be paranoid when my toddler kicked, pushed, and tugged on the grip of my glock. But that's just my paranio, having been shot when I was younger makes me prone to think about the what if's when it comes to gun safety.
by Charlies.Contingency
Wed Nov 12, 2014 4:43 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: If and When OC Passes, The Best Way to Do It Discussion
Replies: 98
Views: 14504

Re: If and When OC Passes, The Best Way to Do It Discussion

anygunanywhere wrote:
Charlies.Contingency wrote:
anygunanywhere wrote:
Charlies.Contingency wrote:
Cedar Park Dad wrote:
anygunanywhere wrote:We aren't talking about OCing long arms.

The OC movement as you put it consists of more than just the extremists of which you speak. There are many OC proponents who do not agree with the OCT and OCTC fools.
You're not the guys I'm worried about. :tiphat:
I would actually advise a retention holster if this is expected to be in town, for the primary reason I wouldn't open carry personally. I'm worried about others trying to grab the firearm.
Agreed, IDC if people confuse me for a LEO when I OC, because I am anyway, though I don't want the extra publicity for it. I found you and I think in sync on this topic "cedar park dad," because I hate having to constantly hover my firearm in public places due to the possibility of somebody trying to make a go for it. CC is the way to go in very public places like malls or shopping center IMO, or at least a level II or III retention holster. It would be crapy to go out with a bang, if that bang was your gun stripped from your nylon holster and pointed at your back.
Like that happens every day.
So every other day is good enough for you? Please, you speak of it as it it doesn't happen, because you have not witnessed it yourself I suppose. I hate to say that I've gone from talking to somebody, to have them think they can pull out my glock my level III blackhawk duty holster. I say this, because I've been there, not because I'm some kid thinking I live in COD. Heed my concerns, or ignore them, you don't have to like them, nor do you have to conflict it openly.
We are not LEOs. We do not, as part of our job, place ourselves in the position of going out every work day and seeking out the vermin to place them under arrest, physically get close to them, frisk them, and cuff them. I grow weary of this insistence that when we put on our holsters and weapons when and if OC is legal that every Tom, Dick, and Harry BG is going to saddle up to us in the grocery store line and try and snatch our weapon.

I am not a novice OCer. I have OCed in multiple states over many years while traveling. Please save your "I am a LEO and I know what is best" stories for someone else. Thanks.
Now you're just trying to pick a fight with me. When have I said that I know best? When did I tell you that my way is best? I did not. I am sharing my opinion, and you come along trying to make a show of how wrong I am for my way of thinking. Sue me for preparing for possible threats, as I am doing my best to prepare for the troubles in life. If you can't get what an opinion is....

Do as you will, but learn to read. You don't have to openly conflict my opinion, you can ignore it. No leave me alone before I lose my temper, I've said all I need to say to you.
by Charlies.Contingency
Wed Nov 12, 2014 4:31 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: If and When OC Passes, The Best Way to Do It Discussion
Replies: 98
Views: 14504

Re: If and When OC Passes, The Best Way to Do It Discussion

EEllis wrote:
Charlies.Contingency wrote: So every other day is good enough for you? Please, you speak of it as it it doesn't happen, because you have not witnessed it yourself I suppose. I hate to say that I've gone from talking to somebody, to have them think they can pull out my glock my level III blackhawk duty holster. I say this, because I've been there, not because I'm some kid thinking I live in COD. Heed my concerns, or ignore them, you don't have to like them, nor do you have to conflict it openly.
Anything can happen anywhere but I did a search and couldn't find a single case of a civilians gun being taken while open carrying. I looked hard and found cases of people being robbed of their guns but none where someone just walked up and grabbed it. This discussion is not about police officers who have much different needs and are placed in much different position. It's about armed citizens who can make whatever calls they want on holster type but right now are being pushed by some towards a solution for a problem that just doesn't exist. The only time I would break out one of my sherpa holsters was if I was doing something avtive like 4 wheeling otherwise I would continue to use the same holsters I do now when I carry concealed. Those holsters by their very nature hold a firearm in closer to the body and make it harder for someone else to remove. I just read a bit about this very issue and the guy made some good points that I'll pass along. ... st-say-no/
For you, the danger of losing your weapon to an attacker is smaller than the danger of not being able to fire your gun quickly and accurately enough to win a gunfight. And once you recognize the danger of losing your gun, understanding that you need an inviolable “bubble” around your gun, the risk decreases further still. Avoid open carry, and you can round it down to zero. And use a non-retention holster.
Firearm retention training came out of a very real and statistically significant problem to police officers. We don't have that same situation here with civilian carry either open or concealed. We are just not seeing people having guns snatched away. Now if that changes , and it could if more people OC, then my belief may change
You have your points, but for those who are concerned about somebody making a grab for their gun, I stand very firm. I have open carried here in Texas, may it be under different "official" status, but it's still the same. LEO's are in the bad areas dealing with bad things. But I believe that thisewho choose to carry because they're sorounded by bad stuff, and feel the need to defend themselves, may run into this problem eventually. Statistics mean squat in the field, just because it hasn't happened yet, doesn't mean there's a 0% chance of it happening you.

We've both made our cases, and it's up to those who may eventually carry to make their choice.

P.s. That artical was far overly opinionated. I've never lost a draw to this date, and I plan on never being second place dead guy. I'm very opinionated in my choice, and I will be wearing at lease a level II if we get open carry, and my level III for duty carry because of the higher risk. The chances may be higher on duty, but the threat remains the same, somebody trying to disarm me. My risk assesment tells me that retention is a large liability that I address according to my own beliefs.
by Charlies.Contingency
Wed Nov 12, 2014 3:35 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: If and When OC Passes, The Best Way to Do It Discussion
Replies: 98
Views: 14504

Re: If and When OC Passes, The Best Way to Do It Discussion

Cedar Park Dad wrote:
There are always idiots out there. But they do not represent the everyday reality of the thousands of ordinary nondescript Americans who already quietly go about living their life while open carrying.
They will once the media is done.
I don't care where you did it before. Its not Texas. :nono:
He does have his point though, the tide will rise with the storm, and go back once it passes. So long nothing terrible happens if OC is passed, then it'll probably fade into the every day norm IMO. I'm not too worried about it, I can't wait! But people will have their own personal concerns of course. I'm used to being seen as a LEO everywhere I go, so the thought doesn't bother me at all. My only concern is for everybody's safety, Life safety should be a top priority to us, that's why we carry.
by Charlies.Contingency
Wed Nov 12, 2014 12:05 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: If and When OC Passes, The Best Way to Do It Discussion
Replies: 98
Views: 14504

Re: If and When OC Passes, The Best Way to Do It Discussion

anygunanywhere wrote:
Charlies.Contingency wrote:
Cedar Park Dad wrote:
anygunanywhere wrote:We aren't talking about OCing long arms.

The OC movement as you put it consists of more than just the extremists of which you speak. There are many OC proponents who do not agree with the OCT and OCTC fools.
You're not the guys I'm worried about. :tiphat:
I would actually advise a retention holster if this is expected to be in town, for the primary reason I wouldn't open carry personally. I'm worried about others trying to grab the firearm.
Agreed, IDC if people confuse me for a LEO when I OC, because I am anyway, though I don't want the extra publicity for it. I found you and I think in sync on this topic "cedar park dad," because I hate having to constantly hover my firearm in public places due to the possibility of somebody trying to make a go for it. CC is the way to go in very public places like malls or shopping center IMO, or at least a level II or III retention holster. It would be crapy to go out with a bang, if that bang was your gun stripped from your nylon holster and pointed at your back.
Like that happens every day.
So every other day is good enough for you? Please, you speak of it as it it doesn't happen, because you have not witnessed it yourself I suppose. I hate to say that I've gone from talking to somebody, to have them think they can pull out my glock my level III blackhawk duty holster. I say this, because I've been there, not because I'm some kid thinking I live in COD. Heed my concerns, or ignore them, you don't have to like them, nor do you have to conflict it openly.
by Charlies.Contingency
Wed Nov 12, 2014 11:50 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: If and When OC Passes, The Best Way to Do It Discussion
Replies: 98
Views: 14504

Re: If and When OC Passes, The Best Way to Do It Discussion

Cedar Park Dad wrote:
anygunanywhere wrote:We aren't talking about OCing long arms.

The OC movement as you put it consists of more than just the extremists of which you speak. There are many OC proponents who do not agree with the OCT and OCTC fools.
You're not the guys I'm worried about. :tiphat:
I would actually advise a retention holster if this is expected to be in town, for the primary reason I wouldn't open carry personally. I'm worried about others trying to grab the firearm.
Agreed, IDC if people confuse me for a LEO when I OC, because I am anyway, though I don't want the extra publicity for it. I found you and I think in sync on this topic "cedar park dad," because I hate having to constantly hover my firearm in public places due to the possibility of somebody trying to make a go for it. CC is the way to go in very public places like malls or shopping center IMO, or at least a level II or III retention holster. It would be crapy to go out with a bang, if that bang was your gun stripped from your nylon holster and pointed at your back.

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