Unfortunately this won't work. The Supreme Court has ruled in several cases (unrelated to guns) that the product 'possibly could' move in interstate commerce someday and also the 'product', even if staying within state lines, could affect commerce in the product in other states.jason812 wrote:...
I would like TX to do what Montana has done and if you make the rifle in the state, and it stays in the state, federal laws do not apply. An SBR in a backpack broken down would be the best of both worlds. Keeping a rifle with you and keeping it out of sight. It would take a drastic change in society to accept the fact that you can walk around with an AR slung on your back in the open. Unfortunately, the terrorist climate may be what changes society.
Of course you could do it now with a stamp but to me that's an infringement the same as the CHL but that a different argument.
The Constitution's Commerce Clause has been used to federalize everything.