Charles L. Cotton wrote:Let's get back to the topic the OP wanted to discuss.
Good idea Charles!
I personally could care less about a petition signed mostly by non-Texans (OP).
I am not interested in a Majority Consensus of Texas Residents either. I don't want the BG's to determine anything.
What I think is needed to put this to rest is let current CHL Holders decide. A poll managed by DPS with mailings/emails (whatever) to each and EVERY ACTIVE CHL HOLDER asking their option, yes or no. Then present that to the Legislature if the majority is yes.
The bill would have to be worked out to be licensed or unlicensed, etc.....and I am sure you could come up with that as you see fit. I would of course agree with whatever you presented with the idea to get it passed if that is what the majority decided.