The fascination will eventually wear off. Just remember it is a tool for a job. That job is to protect you and your family from crazed attackers.
Remembering it is only a tool, always remember the proper way to hold, use and maintain the tool. Follow all safety instructions and you will be fine.
Keep going to the range and practice, practice, practice.........
You can be attacked in you own home just as easily as you can be attacked elsewhere. To have your "tool" in a safe, in the other room, or anywhere that you cannot get it immediately if/when you hear a sound, you may as well not even own one.
Learn to remain armed while inside your residence. If I go to the toilet, the gun goes with me. The only place it does not go is in the shower, and then it is at least in the same room and available within 3 steps.
BTW, cocked and locked is the ONLY way to carry a 1911 for personal protection. That is the way it was designed by John Browning.
You might consider a small S&W J frame revolver for your walking around the house gun. A lightweight version "airweight" that is rated for +P .38 Special Ammo. It would be much easier to carry around and it would not be cocked. You could use it to fight to the location of your 1911 as necessary. This is what I do. When I go to bed, the J frame comes out of my pocket and goes under the pillow. Have a look at the S&W Mod 642 (hammer-less, double action only, no safety). No safety needed because of long and heavy trigger pull in double action only. Non exposed hammer good for shooting while concealed by clothes or in pocket without snagging.
Think of it as using an adjustable wrench without having to get out the ratchet/socket/extension etc....
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