Hi Charles,Charles L. Cotton wrote:Okay, I'm going to show my lack of knowledge about these links. You can listen on a browser at https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/tex ... 1091368277.tyree wrote:Charles, thanks for this!
However, the RSS feed URL listed for non apple/android users leads to a 404 (page not found) error page. Do you have a better URL?
You can also find them here You can also listen to them on http://www.TexasFirearmsCoalition.com and click on Podcasts in the menu.
Where are you getting the bad link? I'll try to fix it.
Here's the page with the bad hyperlink:
https://www.texasfirearmscoalition.com/ ... p/podcasts
Grey box on the right side of the page named "How Do I Subscribe?"
The relevant paragraph:
"For podcast enthusiasts – If you already listen to podcasts and have a podcatcher that you prefer, the feed you’ll need to add http://feeds.feedburner.com/texasfirearmscoalition/BQtm to your podcast client library of podcasts."
The hyperlink in that paragraph "http://feeds.feedburner.com/texasfirearmscoalition/BQtm" leads to a 404 page.
Heres a hyperlink that produces the RSS for the podcast: