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by tfrazier
Fri Mar 13, 2009 12:55 pm
Forum: Hunting Photos
Topic: Smart little buggers........
Replies: 25
Views: 4743

Re: Smart little buggers........

bkblaw84 wrote:that first pic calls for a hand grenade
:smilelol5: LOL! Yeah, kinda like fishing with dynamite...of course, if you put a few tarps down ahead of time you'd be able to make sausage bypassing the meat grinder.
by tfrazier
Mon Mar 09, 2009 4:42 pm
Forum: Hunting Photos
Topic: Smart little buggers........
Replies: 25
Views: 4743

Re: Smart little buggers........

Flintknapper, what's that thing doing on the bed? You sleep with it? "rlol"
Get yourself something more cuddly, like a teddy bear.
Cool pic, looks like it's floating above the fabric.
by tfrazier
Mon Mar 09, 2009 2:50 pm
Forum: Hunting Photos
Topic: Smart little buggers........
Replies: 25
Views: 4743

Re: Smart little buggers........

Not of pigs...but I have...nope sorry, just looked and the last two burglar heads aren't back from the taxidermist yet. :biggrinjester:

I sold all I had in garage sales long ago, but I bet someone on this forum could locate you at least one. There's no shortage of pig in Texas. Problem is finding a clean one or figuring out how to clean one out; like I said, you can't find those big red ant mounds anymore to do the cleaning for you, at least not in east Texas.

And believe me, you get a fresh one, boiling only makes a big nasty mess and doesn't work to clean them out. I even tried muratic acid once, but that turned the bone to mush as well and I just ended up with a really foul poisonous soup.

My poor mom, pickled water moccasins breaking open on the dresser, coming home to find her pressure cooker on the stove with a pig head in it, little bunny hides tacked to the shed wall improperly cures with tufts of fur floating off in the breeze. The things I put that poor saint through...but they did chose to live right next to an ancient east Texas forest!

Not to mention I figured out early how to remove the hinges from dad's gun case and put everything back clean when I was done...there was always a shot up varmit of some kind being processed at the old homestead between me and my two brothers.

I guess I'd better go find some hunting pictures to post and get back on track since that's the topic of this forum.
by tfrazier
Mon Mar 09, 2009 1:29 pm
Forum: Hunting Photos
Topic: Smart little buggers........
Replies: 25
Views: 4743

Re: Smart little buggers........

Yep. The really cool thing we used to do was take the heads and leave them on a red ant mound (the massive kind you don't see in the pastures any more because the fireants have taken over). In a week or two's time they'd be stripped bare, then you set them on the front porch and tell people it's werewolf skull. ;-) I had one from a Javalina that I coated with fiberglass epoxy and sunk in my salt water aquarium...really cool, but some relatives thought it was morbid.
by tfrazier
Mon Mar 09, 2009 10:27 am
Forum: Hunting Photos
Topic: Smart little buggers........
Replies: 25
Views: 4743

Re: Smart little buggers........

Mmmmm...bacon! I haven't hunted pig for about 25 years, and the photos bring back memories. Mostly of taking my little buddy, Xeus (American Pit Bull Terrier) to the vet to get sewn up. He managed to tangle with a pig and get ripped up a little almost every trip...which also always ended up with me in the brush trying to get close enough to get a shot without hitting him. Scary, scary, fun, fun! My current pit, Moses, would most likely befriend the pigs and just mill around with the herd.

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