Agree completely. The number of students for a dedicated 3 day training course will be small. Three successive weekends and you might have something.
Don't forget the 1,200 rounds students have to buy as well. That's a high round count for such a short course.
I'm signed up for the instructor's course, like a lot of other people. Maybe I'll feel differently after I've been through it. Suspect I'll just chalk it up to another training evolution. Take the good from it and continue on.
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Return to “1911's and revolver now permitted in NRA Carry Guard Classes”
- Thu Jun 22, 2017 11:19 am
- Forum: National Rifle Association
- Topic: 1911's and revolver now permitted in NRA Carry Guard Classes
- Replies: 8
- Views: 7185
- Thu Jun 22, 2017 9:54 am
- Forum: National Rifle Association
- Topic: 1911's and revolver now permitted in NRA Carry Guard Classes
- Replies: 8
- Views: 7185
Re: 1911's and revolver now permitted in NRA Carry Guard Classes
Another gun blog which is sometimes right, is pointing the finger at the NRA's PR firm for the 1911/Revolver decision. Certainly, the program's roll out is highly polished as most things from NRA are, but Carry Guard is a bit odd.
NRA has (had?) a core of instructors and NRA Counselors to teach the instructors. More experienced shooters could take the NRA "Personal Protection" classes, both the inside the home and outside the home versions. Together, these courses were excellent training for gun owners and those who carry. Why wasn't this "Gold Standard for Carry Training" developed out of what already existed? I guess we were only the tin or bronze standard before.
Instead, this program bypasses NRA Counselors and Instructors and essentially kills the personal protection series.
Carry Guard is promoted as being designed by a group of experienced high speed operators. Is that the right face for a training standard for national carry? I'm sure these instructors are great, skilled guys, but in my opinion, going special warrior tactical-cool is purely a PR stunt and sends the wrong message. And, note the complete absence of a female instructor. Sure, they've got Dana Loesch promoting it, but you're telling me they couldn't find one female instructor for the training development team? Biggest growing group of gun owners and all?
Do we want to train average citizens to protect themselves or not?
Granted, NRA pretty much killed the existing NRA training program with their aborted online training scheme. With nobody taking the basic courses there weren't any students to take the advanced classes. Wonder if that decision traces back to the same leadership group and PR team?
NRA has (had?) a core of instructors and NRA Counselors to teach the instructors. More experienced shooters could take the NRA "Personal Protection" classes, both the inside the home and outside the home versions. Together, these courses were excellent training for gun owners and those who carry. Why wasn't this "Gold Standard for Carry Training" developed out of what already existed? I guess we were only the tin or bronze standard before.
Instead, this program bypasses NRA Counselors and Instructors and essentially kills the personal protection series.
Carry Guard is promoted as being designed by a group of experienced high speed operators. Is that the right face for a training standard for national carry? I'm sure these instructors are great, skilled guys, but in my opinion, going special warrior tactical-cool is purely a PR stunt and sends the wrong message. And, note the complete absence of a female instructor. Sure, they've got Dana Loesch promoting it, but you're telling me they couldn't find one female instructor for the training development team? Biggest growing group of gun owners and all?
Do we want to train average citizens to protect themselves or not?
Granted, NRA pretty much killed the existing NRA training program with their aborted online training scheme. With nobody taking the basic courses there weren't any students to take the advanced classes. Wonder if that decision traces back to the same leadership group and PR team?