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by Scott B.
Wed May 04, 2016 6:45 am
Forum: Federal
Topic: Cruz is out.
Replies: 169
Views: 44153

Re: Cruz is out.

Trump doesn't believe in anything that doesn't have his name on it. We know Hillary is rabidly against the 2A. Trump's only pro-2A (or anything else) for it as long as it's politically expedient and that should scare the stuffing out of you.

This says it better than I can, but I haven't gotten to that last part yet.

"Donald Trump is unfit to be president. He’s a braggart and a liar. And a serial adulterer. He’s behaved shamefully during the primary campaign. He wouldn’t recognize the Constitution if he tripped over it in the street. He doesn’t know even the Cliff Notes version of any policy issue. The idea that the party of Lincoln and Reagan, Coolidge and Eisenhower, Justice Harlan and Senator Taft has nominated Trump is appalling.

And I’m going to vote for him anyway."

- Mark Krikorian in National Review Online.

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