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by Bitter Clinger
Mon Mar 14, 2016 5:56 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Ted Cruz A Texas
Replies: 173
Views: 33146

Re: Ted Cruz A Texas

Breny414 wrote:
mojo84 wrote:I would vote for Kasich long before I would Trump. What chance do you think Kasich would have to be the nominee and win the general?
Personally, I think Kasich would be an excellent nominee that I would vote for. He has a lot of experience in congress with national security issues, he's been an effective governor, he's a policy wonk, etc., etc. But he's a bit stiff and he hasn't been able to get any serious traction so far. He may not even win Ohio.

He may be well positioned to be the VP nominee, perhaps. We'll see. If he can get the VP slot and the GOP were to win, he would then be well positioned for President in the future, if he's not too old 8 years from now.
by Bitter Clinger
Wed Mar 09, 2016 6:52 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Ted Cruz A Texas
Replies: 173
Views: 33146

Re: Ted Cruz A Texas

Vol Texan wrote:
Dadtodabone wrote: . Think you know where your candidate stands? I was quite surprised to find that I share 92 percent of Mr. Cruz's positions. Trump 74, Rubio 72. I had been supporting Dr. Carson, 69.
Well, you're 74% with what Trump says he is this week, at least.
I was beginning to falter, I took the quiz and even though I voted Cruz, it said I sided with Trump. But then, just as I began to give in, a miracle happened. Cruz has been endorsed by Chuck Norris!


My faith restored!
by Bitter Clinger
Wed Mar 02, 2016 1:54 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Ted Cruz A Texas
Replies: 173
Views: 33146

Re: Ted Cruz A Texas

Are You Sure You Want to Buy What Donald Trump is Selling?

Sydney Finkelstein
Author: Superbosses & Professor: Dartmouth Tuck School of Business
Mar 1, 2016

“We will have so much winning if I get elected,” Donald Trump exclaimed this past September, “that you may get bored with winning.” The line worked so well, that he now repeats it at virtually every campaign stop.

It’s a bold claim, and an alluring one—who wouldn’t want a winner as president? For that matter, who wouldn’t want to elect “the greatest jobs president that God ever created,” as Trump has also predicted he’d be?

It sounds alluring, but is it actually the case that people who proclaim themselves so loudly and so often to be winners actually succeed the most?

My research into business leaders suggests they don’t. On the contrary, it suggests that such bombast is one of a slew of behaviors embraced by spectacularly unsuccessful business executives. Unfortunately, many of these habits are part and parcel of the Trump leadership playbook.

For my book Why Smart Executives Fail, I interviewed some 200 people at fifty companies to learn why some people in business didn’t merely lose, but lose big. I discovered an interesting pattern: Spectacularly unsuccessful people tend to display a number of behavior patterns in common.

One of the most common is a tendency to see themselves and their companies as dominating their industry, regardless of what is happening around them. For example the co-CEOs of Research in Motion, the maker of the Blackberry smartphone, failed to appreciate the rise of the iPhone, going so far as to laugh off Apple’s new product as a nonstarter because it didn’t have a “real” touch keyboard. As we’ve seen with Donald Trump, denigrating your competition is one of the best ways to see this syndrome in action. Like Trump, the RIM CEOs felt certain they would win, and it cost them big-time.

Spectacularly unsuccessful executives also tend to think that they have all the answers. To all the questions. CEO Wolfgang Schmitt drove Rubbermaid into a ditch during the 1990s. A former colleague remembered that under Schmitt, "the joke went, 'Wolf knows everything about everything.'” Not surprisingly, know-it-all executives suffer because they fail to consider other points of view that might have merit. In fact, no one is always right, yet spectacularly unsuccessful executives act as if they are. In this regard, Trump’s impression of his own judgment and intelligence is telling. As he tweeted in May 2013: “Sorry losers and haters, but my I.Q. is one of the highest – and you all know it! Please don't feel so stupid or insecure, it's not your fault.” In September 2015, he made a similar statement on The Tonight Show, telling host Jimmy Fallon, “I think apologizing’s a great thing, but you have to be wrong. I will absolutely apologize, sometime in the hopefully distant future, if I’m ever wrong.”

And then there’s a related behavior, the tendency to underestimate obstacles. Unsuccessful CEOs are so confident that they blithely wave away the challenges that might impede them from realizing their visions. When these challenges materialize, do they backtrack? No! They double-down and get in even deeper.

In announcing his run for president, Trump proclaimed that he would solve the immigration issue by building a wall on the Mexican border: “I would build a great wall, and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me, and I'll build them very inexpensively. I will build a great, great wall on our southern border. And I will have Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words.” Yet by most estimates, the cost of fencing in all 2,000 miles of border would be expensive, perhaps as high as $25 billion. Trump has talked about building a wall, not a fence, which would push the cost even higher. As for Mexico footing the bill, a spokesman for Mexico’s president has scoffed at the idea, noting that it "reflects an enormous ignorance for what Mexico represents, and also the irresponsibility of the candidate who's saying it."

But hasn’t Trump actually been very successful – in fact, a billionaire? Leaving aside the four bankruptcies, mostly due to problems at his Atlantic City casinos, there’s no question that his net worth today is in the billions. While no one can predict with certainty whether his business empire will remain intact in the years to come, CEOs who embrace many of the unsuccessful habits, as Trump does, are particularly vulnerable to a downturn. It’s almost like there’s a geological fault line beneath the surface, ready to erupt when the pressure becomes too unbearable. In my research, triggers like a major business downturn, a huge acquisition, and a strong new competitor were all responsible for turning seemingly thriving companies, run by leaders living the failing habits, into disasters in record time. Stress points typically bring out the worst in spectacularly unsuccessful leaders; habits that didn’t foul them up in better times can become fatal.

What might trigger those fault lines under a President Trump? Where to begin? Anything from a global crisis for which he lacks both personal experience and the makeup to be schooled by experts who may well have a different take than that of the intuitive deal maker who insists that he’s the smartest guy in the room; to even new economic crises that can’t be resolved with bluster.

Other research I have conducted raises still more concerns. In writing my current book Superbosses, I turned the table and explored why some executives succeeded more fabulously than others. In particular, I spent ten years probing the secrets of leaders who not only amassed great wealth, but who developed a generation of leaders in their industries. Here again I managed to identify a number of behaviors that these leaders had in common, including the willingness to share the spotlight with subordinates, the willingness to work closely with protégés and learn from them, and the willingness to hang back and give subordinates room to make their own decisions.

Trump’s answer to a moderator’s question in the most recent Republican candidate debate in South Carolina was telling:

Question: Can you tell us of an instance where somebody has said, “Donald Trump, you’re wrong,” and you listened to them?

Answer: Well, I would say my wife tells me I’m wrong all the time. And I listen.

Question: About what?

Answer: Oh, let me just say – look, I am very open – I hired top people. I’ve had great success. I built a great, great company. I don’t need to do this.

Superbosses have big egos, but the one thing they still do is make room for other people – their opinions, their ideas, and their influence. That’s how great organizations stay great. Trump not only appears to have a different leadership mindset, he also seems oblivious to the risks that often come with unadulterated egos.

These are all questions that cry out for more considered analysis by the press and the electorate alike. There is little we’ve seen about candidate Trump to ease these legitimate concerns. Predicting leadership behavior on the basis of past leadership behavior is smart, but not foolproof. But at a minimum, Trump’s adherence to key habits of spectacularly unsuccessful executives should be a warning sign. Does this mean that a President Trump will necessarily fall prey to the same weaknesses that have brought down previously successful leaders like Ken Lay of Enron, Dennis Kozlowski of Tyco, and Martin Winterkorn of Volkswagen? No. But is this a big-time risk that warrants close attention? As Bernie Sanders might say, you better believe it.

Sydney Finkelstein is a professor of management and Director of the Leadership Center at the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College. His new book is Superbosses: How Exceptional Leaders Manage the Flow of Talent (Portfolio/Penguin, 2016)
by Bitter Clinger
Tue Mar 01, 2016 11:38 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Ted Cruz A Texas
Replies: 173
Views: 33146

Re: Ted Cruz A Texas

mojo84 wrote:
parabelum wrote:
mojo84 wrote:I apologize. The poison pill response I gave here was a response I intended to give in another discussion on another forum. I'm having to use my wife's old phone because mine is in for repair and I didn't realize I was on the wrong forum.

As far as TPP and TPA, he explained his reasoning in the video. I'll let his words and actions represent him just like I have Trump with his words and actions.

Like you said, no one is 100% perfect. I don't think there is anyone I or any is going to agree with 100% of the time. He may dead wrong on this.

You're right on, and I know with the phones (I'm on mine now), stuff gets mixed up.
Well, the phone and 50 year old eyes.

It's been fun debating over this. While we disagree on who is the right one to right the ship, we both love and care about our country. Neither of us want to see Hillary at the helm.
by Bitter Clinger
Mon Feb 29, 2016 1:10 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Ted Cruz A Texas
Replies: 173
Views: 33146

Re: Ted Cruz A Texas

parabelum wrote:
Bitter Clinger wrote:Image
The fact that after each time he got his nose busted he emerged stronger and wealthier in the end.
In life, the only people that never fall or drop the ball are those who never stood straight and carried the ball in the first place.
The mark of a successful leader is that even after all of the failures in life, he was able to pull himself up.

It's funny you bring up his failures, yet fail to realize the obvious. For most, any one of those failed ventures would have been a show stopper. But not for Donald. You see, he fell on his face in business and politics many times, but guess what? He learned, and only got stronger.
That's inspirational to me.

But to those whose minds are made up, there is no hope truly. Stuck in the ghetto of their own minds, entrapped by their doxa, they are unable to see and reason clearly. I'm sick of the R's and D's altogether, and I what I truly want is a strong Nationalist Party, because our Country is bleeding out fast.

I'm also tired of the self proclaimed conservative purist parading around as if they themselves wrote the Constitution, and that only they own the authority to decide who's conservative enough and who's not. All the while we have 19 trillion dollar debt and rising. Jobs are leaving at the break neck speed. ISIS are rampaging across Middle East and the rest of the world killing with impunity everyone that opposes them, raping little girls, destroying ancient artifacts...
I'm also tired of Cruz bashing Russia, country that should be our natural ally against ISIS. Whoever is advising him on this is 100% wrong.

The World is on fire and WE NEED a strong BULLY who WILL stand up for our country and kick these fascists in the rear.

China hates him.

Mexico hates him.

Media hates him.

Pope, the despicable socialist Pope hates him.

Establishment GOP hate him.

Establishment DNC hate him.

Major Coorporations hate him.

Do you really want to be on their side?

Trump all the way. Time to clean the house.


Let's stick to the issues and not get all caught up in who has small hands or who looks good in orange. I can't wait to see Hillary in an orange jumpsuit! We certainly agree on the debt crisis and ISIS, although I think that Iran is a bigger threat than ISIS (the "S" stands for Syria just in case the Obama Administration is reading this!) :cheers2:

I think that you would do well to remember the "Night of the Long Knives" (so-called Röhm Putsch) in Germany back in the 30's. It was carried out by the "Nationalist" party of that period. If you believe that Russia could be our allie, then we will not be able to find common ground on that issue either. Russia is Iran's allie, they swallowed the Crimea (and Obama / Kerry let them) and Russian intervention in Syria has done nothing except serve to prop up Assad and exponentially increase the "refugee" flow.

I can see that many feel that Trump projects leadership and that obviously appeals to many. The danger of this backlash against Obama's clear lack of leadership is that we end up with something much worse. History does indeed repeat itself.
by Bitter Clinger
Mon Feb 29, 2016 9:59 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Ted Cruz A Texas
Replies: 173
Views: 33146

Re: Ted Cruz A Texas

by Bitter Clinger
Fri Feb 26, 2016 5:26 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Ted Cruz A Texas
Replies: 173
Views: 33146

Re: Ted Cruz A Texas

Hit the polls this morning and cast my vote for Ted Cruz. And that was before Christie endorsed Trump, which caused me to vomit in my mouth. Trump and Christie deserve each other, they can alternate visits to their buddy Hillary in the federal penitentiary come this time next year.

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