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by cyphertext
Thu Aug 11, 2016 8:34 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Pokemon Go! as a nuisance to other outdoor activities
Replies: 98
Views: 15886

Re: Pokemon Go! as a nuisance to other outdoor activities

Abraham wrote:...ah, that would be 'quite' a few individuals or we wouldn't be hearing about the number and details of preventable incidents these knuckleheads perpetrate.

Defend all you care to (who ever you may be) the problems "the few, the proud, the knuckleheads) perpetrate isn't a small number.

And Goosey Goose, I know you're going to ask: What's the number? Here it is: Legion
I am not defending the actions of the people who are trespassing, etc... I just don't place the blame on the game, but those certain individuals. Just like I don't blame all gun owners when there is a mass shooting.

Is it Ford's fault when some idiot leaves his baby in the backseat of the car to die in the summer heat? Are you, and other gun owners, to blame for the shooting of 5 police officers in Dallas? Or are we to blame the rifle?

Compared to the number of Pokemon Go players, you have heard about a very few incidents. I've seen estimates of between 15 and 21 million players in the US alone... so statistically, the few reported incidents are insignificant in number.
by cyphertext
Thu Aug 11, 2016 11:00 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Pokemon Go! as a nuisance to other outdoor activities
Replies: 98
Views: 15886

Re: Pokemon Go! as a nuisance to other outdoor activities

carlson1 wrote:
Pariah3j wrote:
carlson1 wrote: Like I said there is nothing else to be said about the childush game. "When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things."
Carlson - I've got to take you to task here too. The only thing childish is the quote. Video games or those who enjoy them come from all walks of life, and just because you don't partake does not make them childish. This type of mentality to me feels much the same as those in the Anti-2A group that equate all gun owners as gun nuts because they don't like guns so why should anyone else.
Apples to oranges. We will agree to disagree. I have personally seen the damage done by the adolescents. I have spoken to several Law Enforcment administrators of the problems they cause in there Cities and Counties.

Anyone is allowed to stick their head in the sand if they so choose. Those who do are usually attached to the "game."

Reading the thread I am thankful I am not the only one who sees this as a nuisance and sometimes criminal.

I have said all I need to on this subject.
It is not apples to oranges.... have you seen the damage caused by guns? Have you spoken to several law enforcement administrators of the problems that guns have caused in their cities and counties?

Just because a few idiots out of the millions of players cause an issue, you shouldn't blame the game, or all the players. Put the blame where it belongs.. on those few individuals.
by cyphertext
Mon Jul 25, 2016 10:11 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Pokemon Go! as a nuisance to other outdoor activities
Replies: 98
Views: 15886

Re: Pokemon Go! as a nuisance to other outdoor activities

goose wrote:
LucasMcCain wrote:
carlson1 wrote:My people who monitor the security cameras nd building during church times have noticed a lot of traffic in and out of our parking lot. It seemed to really pick up last week. Today I was enlightened that our parking lot is an "arena" or area that they can do battle with Pokemon. :banghead:

This is a big nuisance and I pray they go away. Is there anyway to change this other than praying these "adults" grow up?
The purpose of the church is not to reach the people inside the church building. The purpose is to reach the ones outside it. That's a lot easier when they come to you. :thumbs2: Use it as an outreach. People who are out playing cell phone games on a Sunday morning clearly need Jesus. Go out there and share the gospel with them. They'll either want to come inside or go away. Either way they're not in your parking lot anymore. :mrgreen: One of the area churches did something with "lures" to draw players in deliberately so that they could share Jesus with them. From what I heard, it worked pretty well. I think this game is a silly fad that will pass in time, but while it's here let's use it to bring as many people as we can to saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
I like your style. "Here's a cold water bottle and an informational tract about our Church and our mission. Got a minute? I'd like to just ask a question or two to see if we can help you in any way."
Church in our area does just that... they offer cold water to drink and a place to sit down on their patio while enjoying Pokeman. They even have some of those cut outs where you put your face in and take a picture with a Pokemon theme. Embrace it and use it for your ministry!
by cyphertext
Sat Jul 23, 2016 3:34 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Pokemon Go! as a nuisance to other outdoor activities
Replies: 98
Views: 15886

Re: Pokemon Go! as a nuisance to other outdoor activities

mr1337 wrote:
parabelum wrote:Apparently "adults" are into this as well.
Don't judge me.

That being said, don't Poké and drive.
No judgement here... just another activity that we can enjoy as a family. :thumbs2:

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